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1.What are the M's
Source: http://azureviral.com/10-things-you-didnt-know-about-mms/
You might have wondered what M and M denoted in the popular candy. There are no surprises to this. It stands for the name of the founders Forrest Mars and Bruce Murrie. Forrest was the son of Frank Mars, the founder of Mars Chocolate, and Bruce was the son of a Hershey's Executive.
2.How it all started
Source: http://aprildseeley.weebly.com/uploads/6/9/6/0/6960696/comm_330_mmscasestudy.pdf
Forrest Mars was sent to the UK in 1932 to manufacture chocolates for the soldiers. He noticed soldiers eating candy-coated chocolates and was inspired to produce such chocolates enclosed in a hard shell. It was first released for the American Army, and after the war ended in 1945, the product was released to the public.
3. To Stay happy in Summer month
There was a problem of melting chocolates in the summer, and with the sugar-coated candies, he envisioned a scope to walk over this issue. He felt this would keep the chocolate intact during the summer when chocolate sales declined due to their quick melting.
4. M&Ms joined hands with Hershey's
When the idea of M&M's first bloomed in the mind of Forrest Mars, he approached Bruce Murrie, the son of William Murrie. William Murrie worked with Hershey's then; thus, the idea reached Hershey's. They provided Forrest with the raw materials and technology for his candies when it was first produced for the American troops.
5. Starting of M&Ms

The idea that sparked in the mind of Forrest Mars went for a patent, and he obtained it in March 1941. He set up the first production factory in the same year at Clinton Hill, Newark, New Jersey, at 285 Badger Avenue.
6. First look
Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.in/entry/how-world-war-ii-changed-_b_2024730
The candies were first sold packed in brown cardboard tubes and were made a part of the American military ration.
7. Released to Public
Source: http://www.collectingcandy.com/wordpress/?p=10286
The product had become extremely popular among the soldiers as it remained intact regardless of the weather and carrying around. Its popularity spread through the military people, and soon after the war, the people demanded the product, and M&M was released to the public in 1947.
8. First colors

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%26M%27s
By 1950, the product had become widely popular in America, with the popularity spread by the army. It was released in five primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, and violet.
9. The Trademark 'M.'
Source: http://wisdomcafe.berkeley.edu/2016/06/team-building-myers-briggs-building-home-mms/
Each candy was imprinted with the M alphabet in black in 1950, and the present-day white 'M's were printed only later by 1954. Some even say that Forrest Mars was very particular about having the 'M' printed right at the center that he even went in to purchase bags of the product from the market to check if it was in the center and else the batch was recalled.
10. Peanut Fun
Source: https://www.soap.com/p/productname-317822
M&M released the peanut-flavored candy in 1954 along with the tagline launch - "Melts in your mouth, not in your hands". The flavor was a quick hit.
11. Mr. Plain and Mr. Peanut in action
Source: http://mms.wikia.com/wiki/Yellow
The first television ad was released in 1954 with Mr. Plain and Mr. Peanut, and the company later added the colored army and Mrs. Brown.
12. Fantastic Flavors

Currently, there are several varieties of M &Ms in peanut butter, almond, mint, pretzel, and raspberry. There are also combinations of milk chocolate and peanut.
13. The magic of a slogan
The slogan Melt in your Mouth, not in your hand is the fourth top-ranked slogan. The slogan gained popularity for creatively describing the right idea and matter.
14. World's Biggest M&M
Mega M&M's were introduced in 2007 along with the hit movie Shrek as a promotional move with the tagline "Ogre-Sized M&Ms". They took it down and recently reintroduced it in 2014.
15. M&M blamed for colored honey
In 2012, Bees in a particular area of France were found to be producing blue and green-colored honey. The farmers had obtained from investigations that the color is due to the bees coming in contact with the candy containers from a nearby biogas plant. They later moved the containers to closed halls.
16. M & M's reason for near death condition
Famous singer Liam Gallagher blamed M&Ms for leading him to an anaphylactic shock. The incident happened in 2012, and the singer was said to have consumed blue peanut flavor candy.
17. M&M boycott by animal lovers
Source: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/lifestyle/2008-01/18/content_6403774.htm
M&M was found to have been conducting ruthless tests on mice, rats, and guinea pigs. The legal claim was supported when the University of California backed the same.
18. Sued by The Naked Cowboy
Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/17707594@N00/495661527
In 2008, Robert "The Naked Cowboy" Burck filed a lawsuit against M&M claiming that the recent advertisement of the mascot dressed like him was a violation. The company settled the case.
19. Broken teeth Cases

Throughout its life, M&Ms faced several lawsuits by people who claimed that their broken teeth were due to M&M. The cases were registered in 2013 by a person in jail, a housewife, and a common man.
20. Red signed a warning
Source: http://bytesdaily.blogspot.in/2010_11_01_archive.html
Red #2 was banned in 1970 as it was evaluated to have been cancer-causing. M&M did not use the Red#2 dye, but it still discontinued the production of the red M&M's to avoid further issues. In 1982, Paul Hethmon started a weird community named Society for Restoration and Preservation of Red M&M's. The campaign became rather popular, and finally, the company reintroduced the red one in 1987.
21. M&Ms loved in space
Due to the ease of consumption, M&M's are the most popular candies in outer space in space shuttles. They are the best form of entertainment and a chocolaty snack for the astronauts. It was first taken in a space shuttle on April 12, 1981.
22. Van Halen's dislike for the Browns
Source: https://vimeo.com/117814883
Van Halen always asked for the M&M's to be made available backstage but was strictly against the brown ones. This was later described as a trick to check the faithfulness and efficiency of the producer.
23. High price for the Official Snack

To increase the popularity factor, the company paid about $5 million to promote it as the official snack of the 1984 Olympics.
24. Customize the M&M's
Source: https://blog.vegas.com/las-vegas-attractions/las-vegas-strip-sweetness-factor-hersheys-vs-mms-worlds-48106/
My M&M's was a concept introduced in 2005 where customers would have their custom message printed on the candies with images.
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