Showing posts with label Nutritional Supplement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nutritional Supplement. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 April 2023



Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix is a food supplement filled with antioxidants. The mix has been formulated to provide optimal energy by improving the metabolic capacity of the human body. The drink mix produced and marketed by Garden Greens is one of the several ORAC-certified green foods developed by the company. Nature has endowed us with great health products, and the supplements convert them into usable form and thus making them available to people in easily assimilative states. 

Features of Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix

Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix comes in a colorful packing of 669 g. We all love berries, and these have immense properties of health factors for the body. It is a rich drink for any season with a simple ingredient list of 8 berry forms and other elements. 

The goodness of Acai Berry

Acai berry is rich fruit, and the tribes of South America have discovered its goodness for generations. Every kind of berry has been found to have excellent properties, and this has been used in the Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix to get the perfect mix. The fruit is obtained from lush Amazon forests and is rich in antioxidants. 

Cardiovascular Health

Only a healthy heart can maintain a healthy body, as it is the core of the body. Berries contain anthocyanins that are rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants attach to cholesterol molecules and free radicals and help in their successful removal from the body. This removal of cholesterol helps keep the vascular system free of clogs and thus aids in good blood circulation.

Weight Loss

Berries, especially acai berry, has been classified under superfoods. It has been found to counter the action of fats in the diet, and they induce digestion of stored fats and thus help in weight loss and even maintaining a proper weight. 

Beauty Benefits

The world is more into beauty products for men and women. People are looking to organic products for maintaining skin health due to the various side effects caused by chemical products. Due to its antioxidant properties, it removes the free radicals in the skin and thus prevents premature aging of skin cells. It also gives radiant and glowing skin. 

Promotes Digestion

Berries and green tea have detox properties, and thus Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix helps maintain a healthy gut system. Berry splash constitutes raspberry, goji berry, bilberry, blueberry, elderberry, blackberry, and cranberry, along with the significant ingredient acai berry. All the berry varieties are rich in fiber content and thus enhance the digestive process. 

Cell Health

The anthocyanin content in berries, especially acai berries, improves cell health and prevents it from being attacked by the free radicals present in the body. 

Healthy immune system

Berries are rich in Vitamin C, improving immune cells' action. Lab research has proved the polyphenolic elements found in acai berry to affect controlling the growth and proliferation of cancer cells. The role of acai berry on cancer is still under research, but it sure does help to keep cancer cells from doing significant damage. 

Boosts Energy

Maintaining a healthy cellular system, digestive process, and overall health, in general, increases the body's capacity to produce energy. The toxins and free radicals hinder the body's energy production capacity, and by helping eradicate these, Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix helps in optimal energy production the tastier way. 

Pros and Cons of Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix

Several health supplements and green drinks are available in the market, and among these, Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix is one of the tastiest fruit drinks that can benefit your body. The pros and cons of Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix are. 


  • Due to its full fruit content, Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix can be used to make various healthy and tasty preparations. 
  • It can be used as a healthy weight loss element without affecting the taste buds or significantly damaging the body. 
  • It can be mixed with a protein powder to make a protein acai shake. 
  • Its great taste and acai's goodness create an overall feel-good sensation. 


  • Acai berries and other berries are acidic. The body works well on an alkaline pH. It might also produce acid sensitivity reactions in some people. 
  • It is not a weight loss solution or an energy gain supplement for a sports person. It is more like a boost drink and makes you feel good. It cannot be used as a replacement for daily food needs. 
  • Some reviews concerning the new formula are negative, as the concentration has significantly reduced compared to the original recipe. It has been stated to seem watered down in the new bottle. 
  • The manufacturer has no phone number or other contact information on the website. 

How Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix Works

Berries have a high ORAC level (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), which has been used in Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix to give an ORAC level of 3800. The higher the level, the better the capacity of the product to remove free radicals. Free radicals are the major damaging elements in the body that act upon the body's functioning in all ways and cause many diseases. It can be consumed in a drink of one scoop mix in 6 FL oz water. 


Garden Greens AcaiSplash Mixed Berry Drink Mix is the best-tasting fruit drink that helps in body functioning when compared to the several fruit juices available in the market that are more chemicals than fruits. It has a low shelf life, so it has to be consumed as soon as possible. It works like a vitamin and nutrient drink for most people fed up with choking down green drink powders. 

Friday, 28 July 2017



Earth Promise Green Drink Mix, Strawberry-Kiwi, is a product by Enzymatic Therapy. The company has many health products released after extensive research, aiming to produce products that make you feel better. Earth's Promise Green Drink Mix is composed of 20 ingredients comprising of fruits, vegetables, and other body-supporting constituents. Fruits from the lush gardens, vegetables from the expansive fields, and the secrets of the sea have been optimally combined in the drink mix to give an excellent feel-good experience to the consumer. 

Features of Earth's Promise Green Drink Mix, Strawberry-Kiwi

The goodness filled in a pack of Earth's Promise Green Drink Mix results from its several components in the perfect percentage mix. The benefits that it can do to your body are numerous. 

Good taste

As the name suggests, this one is flavored with strawberry, kiwi, and other natural flavors like mango. People refrain from healthy drinks due to the difficulty of choking down the tasteless liquid. Most health supplements available in the market comprise just the greens and taste too bad to suffer the taste for the sake of good health. 

Goodness of Young Grasses

Chlorophyll content in the grass and blue-green algae is very high and has been recognized to improve significantly overall body condition. Mostly, health supplements use mature grasses of alfalfa, wheatgrass, barley, and oats. A significant percentage of the grass content used in Earth's Promise Green Drink Mix production comes from young grasses. They impart more energy as the power does not go into the plant's growth. 

Fiber Content

With the green blend and the other vegetables and fruits included in the product, the supplement comes with a 16% dietary fiber content. Fibers have to be a constituent in the daily diet, but the current lifestyle of processed foods has reduced the dietary intake of fibers, thus causing major health issues. Fiber gives the bulk to the gut and aids in digestion. It attaches to cholesterol molecules, prevents their absorption into the body, and thus expels it. 

Green Tea Leaf Extract

The health benefits of green tea have been widely acclaimed. The most approved is its antioxidant properties that aid in removing free radicals and keeping the body alkaline. Free radicals in the body interfere with every other body function and lead to early aging. This can be controlled to an incredible limit with green tea, which has also been proven to contain medicinal properties.

Pure natural fruits and vegetables

In today's world, adulteration has entered into every production practice. The same holds for fruits and vegetables. The produce available in the market has a good quantity of pesticides and other chemicals. Therefore, It is necessary to consume some organic produce; finding them is very difficult. With Earth's Promise Green Drink Mix, Strawberry-Kiwi, one can easily indulge in some pure organic products without worrying about going around farms and checking for certifications and farming practices. 

Pros and Cons of Earth's Promise Green Drink Mix, Strawberry-Kiwi

Amazon has over 21 positive reviews of the product listed with it, and this is just a tiny portion of the consumers who couldn't resist expressing how good they feel about the supplement. The pros and cons are:


  • The company has achieved Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) certification from two major certification agencies. The products have been labeled as organic with these certifications. The manufacturing unit has also received several certificates for maintaining quality concerns. 
  • Unlike most other supplement labels, Earth's Promise Greens has a well-explained ingredient list. The quantity of each ingredient is mentioned in milligrams or grams, along with the total blend mix quantity per serving. 
  • Most supplements contain Gluten as a component, making it unfavorable for people who are allergic to Gluten. Earth's Promise Green Drink mix does not contain Gluten and thus can be used by such people. 
  • The total fat content is less than 1g per serving, ensuring the supplement does not add extra fat to your daily diet. The calories served is 45, but the contents in the drink ensure that the calories consumed are expelled ideally. 
  • With the sugar factor provided by Stevia and the citric acid flavoring, it can be consumed as it is with water and does not have to be mixed with fruit juices. 
  • After cleansing, it is a perfect drink as it will keep your body balanced with zero chemical ingredients. 


  • The quantity component of vitamins and minerals is not mentioned on the label. Vitamins and minerals are accounted for from the various ingredients. Still, the specific amount needs to be said, making it difficult for people to know the approximate amount of vitamins that the supplement can supply to the body. 
  • The product has caffeine content and cannot be used by people allergic to caffeine.

How it Works

People now live on busy daily schedules, and it isn't easy to find time for three servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Research has shown the importance of blue-green algae and dulse, which are sea products, and we can't incorporate these in our food in the raw form because of their taste. Supplements like Earth's Promise Green Drink Mix and Strawberry-Kiwi allow people to grab a bottle of tasty and healthy drinks. Five teaspoons of the mix have to be mixed into 8-12 ounces of water, which can be refrigerated for 72 hours. 


Earth's Promise Green Drink Mix, Strawberry-Kiwi, is not a medical cure for any specific disease or body condition; it simply promotes overall health and well-being. Scientists at Enzymatic Therapy have worked up a mix of fruits, vegetables, sea ingredients, and several extracts that will work optimally to improve human health without causing any side effects. Vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants ensure that the body's requirement for daily nutrition is added effectively. The price for a 14-day supply of the drink mix is $27 for a 6.6 oz packet.  

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Blessed Herbs The Organic Superfood


People live busy schedules with work, family, and other matters. Stress and inadequate diets have become a familiar scene, and this has led to an increase in diseases over the years. People have realized the adverse effects of low immune capacity and body health, and nutritional supplements are becoming problem solvers. Regular diets fail to provide the necessary nutrition even to people with a balanced diet schedule. This is because of the high levels of contamination in food products. Blessed Herbs Organic Superfood is a compound made from 32 different whole foods rich in nutrients the body requires. 

Features of Blessed Herbs The Organic Superfood

The benefits that Blessed Herbs Organic Superfood provides the body are derived from not just fruits and vegetables but also grains, sprouts, and mushrooms.

Maintain Alkaline Body pH

Vegetables and superfoods provide an alkaline pH for body functioning. The digestive tract works well in an alkaline internal environment. Acidic internal pH promotes free radical formation, affecting the base of the body's functioning. 

Disease Prevention

Colorful vegetables like kale, spinach, beetroot, broccoli, and tomato contain phytonutrients, chlorophyll, lycopene, and carotenoids. These have been proven through clinical studies and experiments to have antagonistic action on disease conditions like stroke, diabetes, and even cancers. The Organic Superfood's vegetables also supply essential amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals for optimal body functioning. 

Promotes Better Digestion

Raw Grains like barley, oats, wheat, fermented amaranth, and quinoa sprouts prove to be a rich source of fibers, and they also supply enzymes required for digestion. The raw grains used in the Organic Superfood have been carefully harvested in the early stages of growth to ensure that the young grains are obtained. These are rich in nutrients and plant proteins. Using fermented sprouts reduces the digestive pressure on the body as they are supplied in a semi-digested form that is easy to assimilate. 


The fruits and vegetables found in the Organic Superfood complex are rich in antioxidant capacity. Antioxidant supplements are gaining popularity as several studies of the degenerative effects of free radicals in the body are being published. Free radicals are the causative agents for many disease conditions, including cancer. The flavonoids and antioxidants found in fruits like berries and pomegranate help alter the free radicals' molecular structure, thus aiding in their removal from the body by decreasing their power. The berries also promote overall health and well-being.

Increased blood count

Chlorophyll, spirulina, and the fruit blend has their action in increasing the iron level of the body. Increased iron content in the body helps improve the oxygen-carrying capacity of the RBCs and even promotes the production of RBCs in the body. 

Better Immune System

Different strains of mushrooms have been used to form the extract, which imparts better immune strength. Beta-glucans derived from mushrooms help in improving the action of the immune system. The body does not have its own mechanism to produce beta-glucan; thus, it must be supplied externally. Mushrooms used in Blessed Herbs Organic Superfood have been selected based on clinical studies that prove their efficiency in stimulating immune cells, thus aiding in combating pathogens. They also provide energy and slow the aging process in the human body. 

Pros and Cons of Blessed Herbs The Organic Superfood

Compared to most other superfoods, Blessed Herbs Organic Superfood is not just a blend of vegetables and fruits. 


  • Complete nutrition for fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, grains, and sprouts. 
  • There are no artificial additives or flavoring used. 
  • Use of zero fillers in the product. 
  • It helps maintain body pH. 
  • Works as a substitute while on a cleanse diet. 
  • Helps to detoxify the body. 
  • Different kinds of antioxidants are supplied in a single serving.


  • No probiotics or enzymes are supplied in the superfood mix to promote nutrient absorption. Probiotics are bacterial cultures that are essential for optimal digestion. Enzyme supply aids in the better breakdown of nutrients. 
  • The quantity of each component is given as a blend, and particular amounts are not mentioned on the label. 
  • The action of the superfood is a result of the individual components. Without actual amounts, the definitive action cannot be derived from the label unless clinical studies support the movement of the complex as a whole. 

How Blessed Herbs The Organic Superfood Works. 

With a mix of 13 vegetables, 5 grains, 6 mushrooms, and 8 fruits, the Organic Superfood works to provide high-quality nutrition to the body. Even though the color might not make you feel comfortable, the product tastes rather good with the berries in it. Recently the company made changes to the packing and the components of the mixture after testing by Dr. Sullivan. It has been made available in single-use packs mixed directly with water, juice or to make up a tasty health shake. A box of $39.99 contains 30 single-use packets for daily use, and each pack is 10g. The website also offers a point system whereby the consumer can earn 15 points for writing a genuine product review. According to one's imagination and culinary skills, you can make cocktails by mixing fruits like mango, banana, or even nuts to develop tasty and varied ways to have the superfood. 


With a healthy body, one feels rejuvenated and can put in more hard work, keeping the person active for a longer time. The quality of life can be improved with Blessed Herbs Organic Superfood which provides a better immune system, blood supply, energy boost, and overall health. Stress levels can also be reduced with a healthy body supplied with nutrition from nature's super foods. Getting better health without any side effects caused by chemicals and artificial agents is a great feeling.