Saturday 10 June 2017

Working on the Psychology Level

Falling in Love and Representation Systems
NLP ( Neuro Linguistic Programming) Representation system is the best way to classify the different personality types.
1. Visual: The person values looks the most. The top criterion of such a person will be “look good”. But the definition of the look good factor may differ. They do consider other factors, but this remains the top priority. To be on the safer side, be careful about your presentation when you meet such targets. If you are not looking good, then, subconscious mind programming might be helpful. A visual person will seek for more eye contact.
2. Auditory: Such people are the kind who like the silence or the sound of a car and buy the vehicle based on this top criteria. The voice tone will be a top deciding factor for attraction for such people. Be confident and clear with such people.
3. Kinesthetic: These are the emotional kind. They are impressed by internal divulgences. A hug creates wonders for people of the kind.
It is necessary to know the representational system of the person whom you love so that you can work accordingly. Visual people are easy to attract while kinesthetic people need time to know you better.
Subconscious Mind Programming
As the name implies, the method is to work upon the subconscious mind of the target. This works more or less like the idea behind companies always advertising their product even if all people know about them.
1. Repeated actions can affect the subconscious mind like being available at all times in the beginning of building a relationship.
2. Induce new beliefs by removing old beliefs.
3. Cross the conscious mind barrier to reach the subconscious mind.
Repeated presentations can make a person believe in it even though it may not be true in the absence of an opposing belief. The method is to induce the question of 'why not' in the mind of the person. The programming cannot be done all of a sudden; it has to be gradually implied upon. It takes patience to make changes to belief's set in the subconscious mind. You can make every small factor autosave into the subconscious mind and come back and start from where you left.
The steps to making the impact
  • Non-belief
  • Doubt if true
  • Doubt the stored beliefs
  • Believing it to be partially true
  • Change in belief is attained.
How Subconscious programming implies itself in making a person fall in love?
You can train the mind to fall in love with you. But not in a direct way. It's a gradual process to make the person feel, “why not love him/her?”. This has been attributed to be the reason behind the failure of couples staying far apart as there is no activation of the subconscious mind taking place. Video plus voice chat can help to overcome issues in such situations.
For a repetitive action to reach the subconscious mind, it has to find its way over the conscious one. The best way to achieve this is through positive mentions from close friends. If you can convince the person's best friend to mention your positive traits and compliment you in the target's presence, it can make its way across the barrier. The important note to make sure that it doesn't seem intentional to the conscious mind. And remember to choose a trustworthy person.
You can even work the way into the auto recruit of the best friend of the target by being good to them, and they will do your part of recommendations without even them knowing the benefit that they are doing to you. You can involve more people for a better result.
Steps to be crossed
1. You are disliked
2. You are nice at times
3. You are interesting
4. The 'Why not' question
5. Fall in love

This subconscious programming can be achieved even without seeing in real with an attractive social media picture, some inspirational quotes, and loads of positive comments.

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