Showing posts with label Internet & Computer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Internet & Computer. Show all posts

Saturday, 29 June 2024

6 Reasons Why you Should Hire an SEO Specialist for Your Website

SEO has become a very popular word over the last few years, and it has evolved over the years to tighten the competition between sites.With a multitude of websites released into the web, it takes utmost care and diligence to get your website noticed. Some people feel that it is rather easy and handle their website SEO on their own. Here are some reasons why you should hire a professional SEO .
1. SEO is complicated
What people usually do when they have to start off with their website SEO is to find an article that will tell you the best practices in SEO or similar ones. But they fail to realize the truth that there is more to it. The SEO optimization of a website is much more beyond articles submissions and keyword optimized content. There are elements like technical optimization, improved user experience, backlinking and many other aspects involved. There are also other rank factors like RankBrain to be taken care of. You wouldn't believe that Google itself has its SEO program manager who takes care of bringing Google in top position in search results.
2. Changing Google Algorithms
The search bots work using a certain algorithm, and they keep changing from time to time making changes to accustom to the rising need for precise search results. Every time there is a change in algorithm, the basic SEO rules also change. So even if you have a done an advanced course in SEO, read several books and articles, you still lag behind in SEO tactics if you do not update with the latest changes. These changes refer to the ones you are informed about, and some experts voice the concern about the changes that Google doesn't report. An SEO professional is always eagerly looking for any shifts in the algorithm and makes appropriate changes to his rules note ensuring that proper tactics are used.
3. Risk of Getting Penalized
When you first learn about SEO, you will be introduced to two terms, black hat SEO and white hat SEO. The proper SEO techniques are listed under white hat SEO and the bad under the black hat. Only a professional will be able to carry these two on consecutively without hindering the position of the website. A bad move can simply lead the internet site into the penalty and the sandbox. The most common reasons for the penalty is keyword stuffing, cloaking, artificial backlinks and bad keyword usage.
4. Using Seo tools
Those articles which give you the basic of SEO will not tell you about the SEO tools and how to utilize them optimally. There are several such tools available, and many are a paid. A professional SEO will be handling several websites, and he can afford these paid tools and improve the website ranking. You might be knowing about Google Analytics, but there are better and advanced analytics programs. With keyword research tools, the most demanded keywords that are the best match for your website can be evaluated.
5. Using SEO Software
There are many SEO software available quickly, and you can buy it online. It provides a clear-cut analysis of the efforts by offering keyword accurate information and strategies to place them correctly. Even though it might seem simple in the first look, it requires profound knowledge about the connection between the results and your plans. There are some key performance indicators, and the professional person will be able to tweak out strategies based on these results.
6. Know the competitor
In any business competition, it is essential to understand the competitor and his activities. The SEO expert will be able to keep track of the competitor activities and devise methods to place you above them. With an experienced SEO, he will be able to figure out how a strategy will work even before applying it.

The experts best do any job, and the same applies for search engine optimization. With an expert, you can get more profits over the investment made.

Friday, 9 June 2017

HR Work Culture

The Chief Executive Officer is the most coveted title and person in an organization and there is a common misconception that they are immensely powerful and do what they want. In our company, the CEO is the central character who listens to the needs of every employee right from the top level to even those working in the least significant sections. He handles all the communication with the clients, investors, and the legal sides. He is always open for any discussion with the employees regarding the matter of concern. The CEO personally appreciates the skills and ideas of the employees. All prominent ideas, feedbacks, and challenges are considered with due respect. The job of a CEO is a rather complicated one and in our organizational culture, the CEO works with the employees to ensure proper operation of all sectors of the business.
He takes up the core job of creating an excellent work culture. Only a healthy work culture can sustain enthusiastic individuals giving right outputs. Providing an interesting and attractive workplace is the primary goal of the workplace so that the employees are able to concentrate on their work and stop spending their time worrying about the office atmosphere. The CEO is an outright reachable person and not like most others who sit in a cabin and dominate over the works. He gets along into the operations and interacts with every other individual in the company ensuring that all of them are satisfied with that they get in return for their efforts.
Every move of the CEO is rather calculated, and he makes sure to discuss every change or new element with the fellow employees to get their opinion. He is like a walkie talkie who connects with every person of the organization.

Learning Culture
A new day presents a new challenge teaching you newer things, and you develop your knowledge base every day. We encourage our employees to develop their knowledge and competence continuously. With more modern learning, you become a better person and a better worker. Your knowledge will open up better opportunities for you and the organization. By imbibing a learning culture, we promote an improvement competition among our employees. With each increase in level, you reach out to your succession in a better way. Even the top level employees are forever open to inquiries and ready to share information with others.

We believe that working together to gain better knowledge gives the learning culture a newer definition when compared to individual learning. We organize training schedules, and development plans are put into action from time to time. Every new step towards learning made by the employee is appreciated and encouraged by the company. By increasing the knowledge base of our staff, we try to stay up in the competition in the market. The employees are prompted to ask questions and work in groups to solve problems so that the knowledge acquired by one person is imparted to the other through a healthy communication system.
Goal Orientation Vs Time Orientation
We do not follow a time-based work culture but work by the goals. When a team is supplied with a mission to be accomplished, the job is split out between the team members and then brought together to finish the task successfully. Each task is the responsibility of every member of the team, and they strive their best to complete it with perfection. There is no 9 to 6 clock scheduling. The goal is the primary concern and not the time, and each individual plays a crucial role in the achieving of the main aims of the company.
Usually, companies keep the employees unaware of the goals of the company and this directly affects the output delivered by the employees. They will eventually waste time and resources towards the wrong ultimate goal. In our organizational structure, the CEO has defined clear-cut goals in the corporate vision which are delivered directly to each employee, and they know that they have to work towards the big common goal in spite of the project goals set before them. The goals are not imposed on the staffs. The top executives get down into the team and work alongside to beat down the goal. This is to make sure that the employees are not overloaded with the aims which can create a bad benchmark. The goal orientation helps our staff to stay focused on the final goal and not create bad output due to urgency. Proper tasking and scheduling ensure completion of the goals even before the expected delivery time and without time pressures, our employees can put in maximum research and innovation into the jobs that they are deployed  

100% Work Output
We pay you the full salary amount, and we expect our employees to put their full effort into the work. There is no compromise over work quality and efficiency. All the executives have to deliver their 100% output into the goal put before them. The company provides all infrastructure and facilities that the employee requires to give his best, and they are expected to utilize this opportunity to the maximum level. In the case of any issues, the higher officials and even the CEO can be directly connected to help you face the matter of concern. We push you to perform better for us and eventually when you take a look back at your achievements, you will be rather proud to realize that you were able to face even the toughest goals put before you.
All employees are encouraged to put up their best performance and even appreciated for their good work. But the company will not tolerate any quality issues with the work. We realize and compliment our staff members for every active element from them. We even give bonus amounts to the top executives to make them work better and have a mutual relationship with the top employees so that everyone is boosted to work better. We do not consider our employees to be meager elements. Every person is given a particular place in the decision making, and if the need arises, they are asked to give their suggestions for the betterment of the company. This gives them the sense of responsibility that they are supposed to maintain towards an organization that pays them well, gives them dignity and helps them be a better person each day. We help you realize your goals and aims in life and in turn you are expected to help the company reach its primary goals and the newer goals set forth every other day.

Let Your Hair Down
We accept the power of fun and let you get serious about fun. We believe in maintaining the youthful nature of our employees so that they remain vibrant and energized rather than being lousy. Your co-workers are more like your family, and we try to strengthen this relationship through fun activities and sports events inside and outside the office premises. An organization that is socially connected works better for the development of the company as a whole.
With fun activities, we try to ease the stress from the minds of our employees. We do not want our executives to come to the workplace filled with anxiety about the job in hand. This affects their performance, and they will dread coming to the office. Slight nervousness of tension may arise with some difficult jobs and to face these challenges, it is necessary to provide some relaxation at times, and we do this with games. Only happy employees will be able to deliver better jobs. With these fun activities, we try to improve their motivation factor, thus increasing productivity, bringing down the stress levels, giving them a satisfactory job experience and improving the performance in an overall.
By conducting team based competitions, we attach the team members together regardless of the protocols. We realize that our employees are not one among the machines we use in our office and their need for social interaction. With his social culture, we are giving them a workplace that they cope well with and that they will love to work in. Friendly competitions are conducted on a weekly or monthly basis, and prizes rewarded to the winners. The kind of games differs from intellectual to fun.
Every milestone, goal and mission are celebrated in the best possible manner appreciating and acknowledging all the skilled hands involved in the success of the project.

Automatic Promotion
Career advancement is the primary goal of any employee and it is towards that main goal that they put in their maximum efforts. It is the responsibility of the organization to accept their energy and provide them their benefits for their efforts. Several companies get the toughest works done by their employees who work day in and day out to deliver the project in time and with the utmost quality, but when it comes to the matter of promotion, they company turns its face. We believe that such companies will lose their most talented employees with time, and they will not like to stick to an organization that turns away from recognizing their skills and efforts for the upliftment of the company.
We give the employees, the power to control their own growth. This is a boost factor for the employees as they know that they will be rewarded with a promotion if they work well. We have set performance milestones and in our organizational culture.  Growth and promotion are automated whereby,  the employees decide their promotion on their own.
With each higher step, the employee will be more motivated. Only a motivated employee will be able to work for the development of the company. It works like a mutual benefit, where the employee works better for the company to get promotions based on the milestone achieved and the work quality and increased dedication of the employee benefits the company in return. A development boosts the employee morale, keeps them enlightened, increases productivity and thus the profit of the organization also increases. When all the staff works in the same fashion, the company will surely keep developing, and we look towards this greater goal through our work culture of automatic promotion.
With promotions, the employee tends to develop a loyal feeling towards the company and consider the business like their own trying to increase the business profit as they are getting benefited from their work through the automatic promotion method. Through this, the company identifies the right talents in the workplace and forces them to stay with the projected development system retaining the employees.

Leaders and Champions
Ours is an innovative organization, and we promote innovative work culture. With this, we have gained the name of being an innovation-friendly office developing leaders and champions. Geniuses are those who bring the innovating ideas which later develops into innovation. These people have a different insight towards things around them, and they think differently. They have the power and overview to see beyond the restrictions set before them and look at things from a conventional viewpoint. We accept the ideas of these geniuses and provoke them to think more for the betterment of the company.
By leaders, we are not talking about the managers, but leaders who inspire the people around them and have the leadership skills in their trait list. This leader might not be good at everything, but he has the power to bring together people and exhibit people skills. He tries to solve issues internally and ensures a happy and cooperative work atmosphere. Companies that do not promote such leaders fail to recognize the benefits that they can do to the business. These leaders help in smooth functioning of the business and not every person has such immense leadership skills and we safeguard our leaders.

The leaders help create champions out of people. Some people have tremendous skills embedded in them but are not outspoken to bring it out. Only a good leader will be able to motivate the others around him to bring out the champion. He realizes that the champions in his team will make him succeed. These champions are our assets, and we promote leaders and champions internally.

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Web Content Syndication

The selection of web content from one source and publishing it on another source, when done automatically is known as Web Content Syndication (WCS).

This activity can be compared to the newsletter subscriptions sent out by most websites to keep their viewers informed about the latest events. But with WCS system, it works without the need for the email address of the viewer ensuring the privacy of the viewer. The content is re-published on a wider platform making it easier for the viewers and also gives the businesses a greater audience to the content when compared to email newsletters.

Web Content Syndication does not have any standard file formats or methodologies. Most of the businesses make use of XML file format to reach out their publishing to the viewers. On having a look at the websites on the World Wide Web, one can notice that most of them are adapting their site to have its contents delivered via feeds.

Website owners utilize WCS system by using software like content management solutions which represents the contents in XML format. It appears like a list of headings of the content with a two-line introductory matter. The link on the title connects to the full content. Feed subscriptions, when compared to online newspaper and magazine subscriptions, have the advantage that they are free of cost.

Sometimes the full web content is delivered in the feed format, but mostly it would contain only briefings of the internet content with links to the whole matter. The file that is thus provided in the XML format is known as a feed, web feed, stream or channel. The contents of an XML file based feed is mostly stories blog posts in a summary form which are connected to the full versions through links that are provided in the archive. The feeds are mostly derived from blog websites and news contents. There are also feeds that contain lists or organized information like weather update or top ten lists.

The visitors to the website can subscribe to the feed if the website has a site feed added to its page content. Currently, feeds are added to sites that are frequently updated with content.
Web sites make their content available to be used by other websites, and this is referred to as “publishing a feed” or 'syndication. It works like syndication of newspapers or other broadcasts as sites can include the feed content on their site or even share it.

Other than re-publishing of the data, WCS also allows frequent enthusiastic readers to be updated with the latest content. The feed published by the website can be tracked by the user using facilities like feed reader or aggregator
The different available modes of feed delivery are
1. Feedreader can be downloaded to the viewer desktop, and it runs to decipher the feeds working in an independent way.
2. Feeds can be accessed in the email. External plug-ins are available for viewers who use Outlook express or POP service who can use it to read the feeds in their email.
3. Through browser. There are two modes to read feeds on browser,
* Browser Plugin
* Websites that work as an aggregator.
They allow the user to view feeds from any source through its browser. By using the web-based feed readers, viewers need not have to download and install the software. The feed can be accessed from any location. But it still has the limitation that the user will have to visit that web page each time to get the feed file.
4. On Mobile
As they web feeds are XML coded, it can only be decoded using a machine. This makes such web feeds to be used by businesses to communicate and send sales data without involving human interference.

Create Content for Website Easily.