Showing posts with label Listicle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Listicle. Show all posts

Sunday, 16 June 2024

The 6 Best News Bloopers

News Readers and presenters are very professional in presenting the news. They actually present the serious stuff happening around the world to the viewers. But life can be funny in all aspects and that’s where the magic of fun changes a serious news show into funny stuff. There are several news blooper compilations all over the internet. There are even monthly compilations released by certain websites. Most of the bloopers are normal words gone wrong in front of live TV and at the wrong places. We are getting together the Best 6 news bloopers of 2015

6. Obama’s Picture on a Sexual Assault News

The news had gone in February 2015 when the news was presented over a college rape suspect. The news appeared on a Fox News affiliate channel KSWB by news reader Kathleen Bade. The picture of Obama was presented with the caption “No Charges” when the charges over the sexual assault case suspect were described. The picture had come up only for about 5 minutes but the video had gone viral soon after. The TV channel even apologized on air 2 days after the mistake took place. It even posted an apology note on the website.

5. News Reporter Pulls Out Hanger While on Live TV
It was reporter Steve Frazier who pulled out a hanger from his coat and had the co-hosts laughing over it. Most of us mix up the socks or end up with some stupid outcomes when we dress up in a hurry. But being on a news channel presenting meteorological news with a hanger hung over the coat was rather hilarious. This was on Fox 9 News and Steve Frazier is a meteorologist along with a news reporter. He was feeling uneasy while presenting a storm vision and he was feeling it a little tight, the result was a hanger that still hung the coat.

4.  Local News Anchor Knew the Reason for Amazon’s Success
This will a hilarious moment on KTVN news channel morning news where reporter Andi Guevara presented an update on the rise in the value of Amazon beyond Walmart. It was then that John Potter had responded in a rather ridiculous way. The reason according to him was because Amazon had a huge sale of sex toys and this information he had stated to have gotten from a friend who worked in Amazon. Walmart would not sell sex toys and that was the reason why the Walmart value had gone down. The co-host had just hooted off the remark and topped it up by saying that the viewers are trying to eat breakfast. John Potter later updated his Facebook account over the video going viral expressing concern over how being in a news reporter job had your bad moments gaining too much publicity. There were comments which had compared this to the scenes by Ron Burgundy in the movie Anchorman.

3. When the Reporter had to stream in on Cows Humping
Mitch English, one of the renowned reporters had a live report from a dairy farm from Ninnekah in Oklahoma. It was the Fox 25 channel’s Morning news segment and the reporter Mitch English while talking with the farm representative had a scenario of cows humping in the background. His response to the situation like one possessed by Bill Burr made the scene seem more fun than it would have without the dialog. Bill Burr is a comedian and is identified by his style of taking and Mitch was rather effective in bringing about Bill's style. This had gained a good load of attention within a few days and the video segment had gone viral. The livestock had changed a boring morning farm news into a hilarious video that had a good lot of people commenting over it.

2. News Reporter Turns Berserk After Being Attacked by Cicadas
Reporter Katya Leick was scared and lost it all following a cicada attack in the midwest. She was trying to take an intro to areas where the cicadas were making their return after 20 years. The insect sure did make a good comeback as the live news segment had gone too viral in June 2015. She was reporting for the KSNT News channel covering a story on Fort Riley. The reporter Katya Leick posted the video takes on her Facebook page the next day with the heading stating it to be a tough day at work. The insects are big enough and they usually do not bite humans actually but misunderstand humans to be trees or plants and try to feed on them. This would have been the same case would it have been any person being attacked by some big insects buzzing around your face.

  1. When a Guy Scares a reporter
This one was on live TV when a black guy simply wanted to get his face into a television broadcast. He just picked up from behind the reporter, Wendy Burch while she was presenting breaking news from Los Angeles. The guy had no intention to scare the reporter. The street and the area behind her were rather empty with only a few cars moving very far from the camera. It was then that this guy just wanted to make this entry into the screen. The cameraman also had not given any reaction to this as it was live TV and he was close behind which scared the reporter when she turned around. She had laughed for a few seconds over this shock. There had been an earlier news blooper of Wendy Burch where she had slipped and fallen down during a live TV show from a Mall in 2013 but the reporter had laughed off the scene. She is basically a good sport.
There were several other notable bloopers like the one where a reporter was asking a child who was making his first day to school about missing his mother and had apparently made the child cry. Newshosting in real-time is a tough job and even the most experienced people make grave mistakes and these go viral on the web.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

10 Best Employers for Immigrant People

There are people from different countries entering Canada, and some look for a better lifestyle and job opportunity while there is also the matter of Syrian refugees entering the shore. Some of the best Canadian companies are setting an example to the world on how to welcome immigrants into the workplace in the best manner. A list was released with the top names of Canada's Best Diversity Employers for 2016.These companies were recognized for their ability and welcoming nature of including employees from other countries, aboriginals, physically challenged, women and of different sexual orientation. The list of all the employers was reviewed and shortlisted by Mediacorp.These Canadian companies depict the best of Canada.
10. Amex Bank of Canada
The company is associated with Credit Card Issuing and has a total of 1614 employees in Canada. It has provided immense opportunities for women with 62% of the workforce being women. It had partnered with Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council in providing training sessions regarding Canadian culture to immigrants so that they find it easier to absorb the soul of the country. The company always has welcome inclusiveness and diversity in all aspects which include LGBT, disabled and minority.
9. Deloitte LLP
Deloitte LLP is an accounting company with about 9000 employees in Canada. The company also has bases in India, Australia, New Zealand and South America. It partners with TRIEC acting as mentors to newcomers to Canada to realize their dream. Since the partnership initiation, this employer has mentored more than 350 Canadian immigrants. It also partners with ACCES to have a diverse culture. They had also presented a white paper which was an insight into the importance and advantages of bringing in talented immigrants into companies. People from different demographics are brought together without any barriers that cause issues in hierarchies.
8. Manitoba Public Insurance
The employer is a Direct Property and Casualty Insurance Carrier company and has over 1800 employees. The company has taken special care to include women and immigrants into its workforce. The company is committed to adding diversity and has strict inclusion strategies. It is involved in employment resource groups. It offers a 12-month internship program for students who are recognized among the diverse group classification. They also have a retention rate of 95% on this program. This is a paid internship program and also has partnered with Employment Solutions for Immigrant Youth and Employment Projects of Winnipeg to initiate recruitment of new Canadians.
7. Lafarge Canada Inc.
Lafarge is a concrete manufacturing company in Canada with over 3000 employees. The company has preset diversity goals and the inclusion committee keeps a check over the fulfillment of the goals. The committee meets up every month to track the progress of the goal attainment. It has partnered with organizations that promote work for immigrants. They have links with Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, Immigrant Services Calgary and Bredin Centre for Learning. They also have internship programs for new Canadians. They stick to the rule of bringing in employees from different geographical and cultural areas.
6. Jazz Aviation LP
There are over 4300 employees working in this Air Transportation company in Canada. The company has emulsified its employees with diversity and inclusion training so that the current employees do not have issues when trying to incorporate different people. It provides job opportunity for new Canadians through its partnership with the Immigrant Services Association of Nova Scotia. The contribution of this employer in invoking disabled pilots and women staff is highly evident.
It's an accounting company with 6165 staff in Canada. It has associations with immigrant resource groups like Ismaili Network, Team Italia, Ibero-America Network and East Asian Network. There are also formal committees that see to the diversification strategies. The committee, ethnic business initiatives steering committee works to improve the customer diversity and marketing strategy. It also has partnerships with communities like Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council (TRIEC) and ACCESS. Skilled immigrants are even given top positions, and there are social networking programs to make such new Canadians comfortable in the workplace.
4. National Bank of Canada
NBC was formed in 1859 and has been one of the prominent employers in the banking section providing job opportunities to over 15,000 people in Canada. It works alongside ALLIES Montreal they provide mentoring programs to new Canadians looking for jobs and also does other activities for newcomers in collaboration with Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal. The company has a Diversity Ambassadors employee resource group that has been formed for employees of different cultural communities and immigrants. They had even set up a diversity conference to express how a varied employee diversity can help in business development.
3. Medtronic, Canada
Medtronic Canada has its head office in Dublin in Ireland and has 700 full-time and 18 part-time employees in Canada. It is an Electromedical Apparatus manufacturing company and was over 86,000 employees worldwide. The company has a mentorship program for newcomers, and they take special care to celebrate festivals of cultural diversity like Chinese New Year and Black History month. They also host diversity and inclusion fairs. There are action plans done by the particular committees to celebrate intercultural competency. There is also a resource group for Latins by the name of Medtronic Latin Cultures Network. They are also associated with ACCES and COSTI to aid in immigrant services and employment opportunities.
2. PepsiCo Canada
PepsiCo with its head office in New York, USA has over 271,000 employees across the world with 9200 in Canada alone. It is a soft drink and food manufacturing company and provides opportunities to students. The importance of diversity and inclusion is well recognized, and therefore it incorporates this into their plan, they have a full-time Diversity and Engagement Manager who looks into the reformed diversity and engagement strategies. The activities are not just confined to Canada, but also throughout the United States. The aim is to create a positive workplace that can easily include employees of different variations. It partners with Canadian Council for Diversity and Inclusion and Toronto Region Immigrant Employment Council.
1. Procter and Gamble
It is a consumer product manufacturing company which was established in Canada in 1837. It has its headquarters in Cincinnati, USA. There are over 1700 employees in P&G, Canada, and the company has diversity programs to promote Latin based and French language employees.The company even celebrates cultural and diverse festivals like the Indian festival of Diwali. The company collaborates with employee resource groups of different regions like Asian, Black, Europe and Central Asia, French and Latin.

Saturday, 13 August 2016

The Top 24 Richest Actors in the World

[This is to claim the ownership of this article due to non-payment from the client. Please do not reprint this article in any sites without permission.]We had always admired celebrities especially actors. They are always known to live luxurious life and we have often looked with surprise at their houses and assets. Here we have put forth a list of all the top 24 richest actors of the world along with their approximate worth when the list was created.

  1. Harrison Ford
Net Worth: $210 Million
He began his life as a carpenter and went on to become one of the most coveted actor and producer. He is popular for his roles as Han Solo in the Star Wars and now at the age of 74 he is still active in the film industry.
  1. Peter Stormare
Net Worth: $215 Million
Peter Stormare started his acting career with the movie Lyftet in 1978. He is a Swedish director, musician and actor. He won the Academy Award for his role of Gaear Grimsrud in Fargo.
  1. Michael Shanks
Net Worth: $ 215 Million
Michael Shanks is a Canadian actor who also took into direction and writing. He was most popular in the Stargate SG-1 fiction series. He also played a crucial and commendable role recently in Saving Hope. He started his acting career in 1993 and has achieved the pinnacles of success at his present age of 45.
  1. Mark Wahlberg
Net Worth: $ 225 Million
Before stepping into acting, Mark Wahlberg was a popular rapper with the gang Funky Bunch. He then stepped into modelling and dramas in the 1990s. He got his breakthrough with the movie “The Planet of the Apes” and he is currently producing movies and is also a successful businessman.
  1. Brad Pitt
Net Worth: $240 Million
His looks have earned him some die hard fans and recently he earned $3,000,000 for his endorsement of Cadillac (Source: He was tagged as the Sexiest Man Alive in 1990. He stepped into movie production with his company Plan B Entertainment.
  1. Will Smith
Net Worth: $ 240 Million
William Carroll Smith alias Will Smith had his love for rapping and got into the limelight with his songs and his band won the Grammy Award in Rap category in 1988. After moving into acting in 1993, there was no looking back for this 'Rennaissance man'. He holds the privilege of being a millionaire at the age of 20.
  1. Scott Speedman
Net Worth: $245 Million
Scott Speedman began his major earnings through the 82 episodes of Felicity in the role of Ben Covington which was a TV Series telecast from 1998 to 2002. 'Underworld' films also presented him with several nominations and awards.
  1. Leonardo DiCaprio
Net Worth: $245 Million
Who doesn't know this Titanic hero? This blue eyed guy had won several hearts with some top notch roles after stepping into movies from television acting. The recent role of Hugh Glass in the movie The Revenant won him the Oscars last year.
  1. Leon Thomas III
Net Worth: $245 Million
Leon Thomas III is ranked as the 16th richest actor of the world at the age of 22. He raked recognition with his role as the Andre Harris in the Nickelodeon series. He began his career with the role of Young Simba in the Lion King.
  1. Robert Downey Jr
Net Worth: $250 Million
Robert John Downey was a popular actor in his youthful times and later faced downtime with legal issues but resurfaced with the role of Tony Stark in the movie The Iron Man. He made a huge comeback to top the list of the Highest paid actors in 2012 to 2015 consecutively for three years.
  1. Patrick Wilson
Net Worth: $275 Million
He began his career with Broadway musicals. He then stepped into TV drama through A Gifted Man and also the popular HBO series, 'Angels in America'. The recent movies that have him a handsome earning was The Conjuring, The Insidious, The Ledge and The Alamo.
  1. Adam Sandler
Net Worth: $300 Million
This guy from Brooklyn is one of Hollywood's highest earners. His fun and comedy roles has made him the 13th richest actor of the world. The recent movie Grown Ups was slashed out by the critics but it make a whopping $271 million at the box office.
  1. Michael Douglas
Net Worth: $300 Million
Born in 1944, Michael Douglas has several blockbusters in his career history as an American actor and producer. He has received several awards for his contribution to the film industry over the years and still continuing at the age of 71.
  1. Arnold Schwarzenegger
Net Worth: $300 Million
Arnold Schwarzenegger has his income source from movies, business and politics. His father had inspired his son to be a soccer player but little did he know that his son would top to the position of the richest actors of the world. He began his career as a bodybuilder and with his acting career he had become a millionaire by the age of 22.
  1. Jackie Chan
Net Worth: $350 Million
Jackie Chan began acting at the age of 5 and performed several small movies before he gained popularity in the comedy-action movies. He has done over 150 films and is currently popular as a philanthropist.
  1. Tom Hanks
Net Worth: $350 Million
Thomas Jeffrey was born in California and was a very shy person in his childhood. He is an American actor and producer and has done several commendable role in his 38 years career with movies having topped more than $4.3 million at the box office.
  1. Sylvester Stallone
Net Worth: $400 Million
Sylvester Stallone had tested his hand at comedies and drama but his biggest hits has been his action movies. He is known for his roles of Rambo and Rocky. He has written over 14 films.
  1. Jack Nicholson
Net Worth: $400 Million
He made his debut with 'The Cry Baby Killer' after having working at MGM Studios as a gofer. He has been in the film field for over 60 years and is still prominent in Hollywood at the age of 79 having handsome earnings with his recent guest role in How Do You Know.
  1. Johnny Depp
Net Worth: $400 Million
Johnny Depp is mostly related with his role in Pirates of the Caribbean and he will be playing the same role of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales to be released in 2017. He has received awards like Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild Award and many more.
  1. Mel Gibson
Net Worth: $425 Million
His major earnings can be said to have come from the movies 'The Passion of the Christ' and 'We Were Soldier'. He has played some popular action roles like Martin Riggs and Macj Rockatansky.
  1. Amitabh Bachchan
Net Worth: $425 Million
He is a popular Indian actor and has been into acting since 1970 and is still a prominent face in movies at the age of 73. He has been acting for around 40 years and has played roles in over 180 movies.
  1. Tom Cruise
Net Worth: $480 Million
Tom Cruise made his big shot with the comedy role in Risky Business in 1983 and then went on to the fighter in Top Gun 1986. His graceful looks had a good load of female fans and several successful movies.
  1. Shahrukh Khan
Net Worth: $600 Million
Awards has been in his fate for over a decade and is known as the King Khan of Bollywood. He is the richest actor of India and has been in movies since 1988.
24. Merv Griffin
Net Worth: $1 Billion
Merv Griffin has been retaining his position as the richest actor with his acting career that started in 1944 and ended in 2007 when he succumbed to prostate cancer at the age of 82.