Sunday, 14 November 2010

K-Link Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll is extracted commercially from the Alfalfa grass. Alfalfa plant is considered to be the father of all foods. Chlorophyll can  be consumed daily by people of all age groups.

Chlorophyll is the green pigment found found in all green plants. This pigment gives the plant its green color. It is also called as the 'blood of the plant'.Eventhough it is found in all plants, it is found in high concentration in the Alfalfa plant with dark red rose.

Alfalfa grass contains many ions, fibres, anitoxidants and betacarotene. Betacarotene helps prevent heart diseases and cancer. It has a strong base with a 10m wide and 30 m deep roots. Due to its roots penerating 30m below the ground, it has the capability of concentrating rare metals from beneath the earth.

The alfalfa plants used in the commercial production of K-Link Liquid Cholorphyll has been cultivated in truly natural conditions without using any chemical fertilizers. All health concerns has been taken into consideration while cultivating these plants.

Research conducted by the Nobel Prize winner. Prof.Hans Fischer has proved the role of chlorophyll in maintaining the RBC balance of the body. The gene structure of RBC and chlorophyll has been found to be similiar. Chlorophyll was thus found to be effective in improving the RBC count of the human body.

Uses of Chlorophyll

-> Stops growth of bacteria.
-> Reduces throat pain.
-> Improves oral health.
-> Helps prevent bronchitis.
-> Improves immunity.
-> Prevents body odor.
-> Cures digestion problem.
-> Slows the process of ageing.
-> Neautralizes the toxins in blood.
-> Maintains ionic balance of teh body.
-> maintains the body fuild balance.
-> Improves RBC count.
-> Controls sugar level.
-> Supplies iron for the body.


Adult : 15ml chlorophyll in 250 ml water.
Children : 1/2 tbsp in 1 cup water. Do not mix in hot water.

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