Our Body is a great mystery as to how a small system performs so many functions. Each of our body part has several roles to play. The sense organs are our sense, but they play many other roles in the proper functioning of the body without even we knowing. The ear for example, helps you to hear noises, but it also maintains the air circulation and pressure balance of the body. The vestibules and semicircular canals of the ear maintain the balance and positioning of your body. There are many other such purposes served by each body part.
The skin plays dual role. The first thought that comes to our mind when we think about the role of Skin is - to protect our body. Imagine if you had no skin in your body.. Eekks. .. I would be scary wouldn’t it. all the germs and dirt from the surrounding would have easily entered into your body. But there are also other protective functions played by the skin. The skin has a hydrolipid film which neutralizes substances on its surfaces and prevents it from attacking us. It also protects the body from sun’s radiation. The skin secretes sweat, sebum etc whereby drugs and other harmful substances are eliminated from the body.
It is very esential to know the various body functions played by each body part. One has to take proper care of ones body to keep ourself healthy. There are medicines for each and every disease but the increasing health care costs are becoming a major concern. better Prevention than a costly Cure.
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