Monday, 27 February 2012

Lowering of blood pressure during C-section

Was writing an article about pulse oximeter when the intense feeling stuck me.. The day when I was having my second C-section delivery. It was a very critical one for me as I was having it after 1 1/2 years since my first baby was born. it was all going fine and I saw my cute baby and he was screaming loud. I had really wished for a baby girl, but there was some inner feeling in me that told me that it was  boy and I knew it when I was pregnant itself. When they informed me that it was boy, my expression was' I knew it'.

but, then things began to go worse for me after the baby was taken out. The OT in KIMS, trivandrum was soo cold and maybe it was bcz of that I was shivering and I knew i was shivering even after the spinal anesthesia. it was getting difficult for me and I was feeling some intense feeling inside me. I started having intuitions that something was going to happen with me. But yet I didn't react anything and lay down there clutched to the side boards where my hands were fixed. I forced myself to doze off..(or was it natural that I was dozing off) I do not know. But i remember that I was tapped awake by the anesthesia doctor. Then I knew that I should not sleep off. I kept my cool. It was getting more difficult for me and I cud not breathe. I knew there was something wrong and I was looking  for someone to help me. I started hitting on the side board and the nursed rushed forward, they immediately injected something into the canula on my hands.
I don't know what went wrong.. But I still have night mares thinking about it..

The struggle did not end there, in the recovery room, it was like hell for me. It was damn cold and they gave 2 bed sheets, yet I was shivering. I was then in 4 blankets, yet i was shivering. I thought it was going to end now, the condition was that bad and it was then later when a relative of mine (Workign in Kims) came to see me and noticed that the drip was on increased speed. What careless people.. I hate the staff there.. I hate them.

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