Saturday, 13 August 2016

Gastrointestinal and Digestive disorder in Dogs

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Proper digestion and assimilation of food are extremely necessary for dogs so that their body is supplemented with the required nutrition to aid in body functioning, growth, and repair. Any malfunctioning that affects the ingestion, metabolism, and assimilation of food or its movement through the intestine can be called as a gastrointestinal disorder. The digestive system is affected through this with the maximum impact on the stomach and intestines leading to pain, discomfort or other issues. Unchecked GI problem can result in nutrition deficiency, electrolyte imbalances, and dehydration. It is therefore recommended to take to a vet in case of any doubts of GI disorder.

Variations in GI and digestive problems with its causes
When you consult your dog to the vet, he will perform various tests to check the kind of disease and also the causes. The reason for an improperly functioning GI tract can vary from eating out of way things, allergic or intolerance to a certain food, reduce in digestive enzymes or an inflammation reaction. On a comparative study, it was formulated that breeds like Golden Retrievers, Collies etc. are at a high risk when compared to the others. The different GI disease classifications are
1. Acute gastroenteritis: Sometimes, when the dog consumes rotten food, high-fat food, eating things other than food or harmful plants it can trigger an infection in the digestive system. Bacterial of viral inflammation of the GI tract or allergies to particular food can also have the same effect in the animal intestines. The condition will usually last only for a period of time.
2. Colitis: As the name implies, colitis is an inflammation of the colon especially the inner lining. It can be sharp and short termed or even recurring. The most common causes are the parasite whipworm, a cyst, allergic reaction, consuming a different food or an external object and even by certain disease conditions. The pain caused by colitis is unbearable and most usually suffered by young dogs below five years. The bigger intestinal tract swells up leading to painful feces passage leading to watery stool with blood and mucus in it.
3. Constipation: It is a common condition and can arise due to a sedentary lifestyle, excessive loss of water or consumption of indigestible material like bones or other objects. The reduced fiber content in food can also lead to constipation in dogs as in humans.
4. Diarrhea: A malfunctioning organ system can be the prime reason for diarrhea in dogs. The other possible reasons are a virus, bacteria or other unfavorable organism in the body, introduction of a new food, table meals, bad snacking habits or eating of spoilt food.
5. Pancreatitis: In dogs too, the pancreases is located behind the stomach in an elongated structure. Inflammation of this gland causes the condition known as pancreatitis in dogs. Even though the exact reason for pancreatitis is not formulated, it is speculated to be caused due to diet with excess fat content, any illness, inflammation or shock.
6. Inability of pancreas to secrete enzymes: The primary outcome is problem with digestion which is expresses in the form of quick loss of body mass, increased food craving and change in stool.
7. Reduced absorption in the Small intestine: When there is an infection in the small intestine, it leads to decreased absorption of nutrients in the small intestine. This is characterized by loss of weight, reduced food intake and watery stools.

How to Notice a Digestive Disorder in your Dog?
The first signs of digestive issues are diarrhea or loose stools. You can also note it from other common symptoms like throwing up, droopiness, difference in the bowel, squeamishness and acidity.
A disease of the intestinal tract can be rather gruesome for your canine, and it is recommended to take to the veterinary doctor for further testing.
Treating GI Issues with Nutritional Care
Some issues of the digestive tract get cured soon while some pets experience issues for a longer period. With a proper nutritional plan, you can make some significant changes to a deteriorating GI system. The doctor will be able to diagnose the particular issue and recommend food plan based on the findings even though the prime necessity is to get rid of the uneasiness. The first and foremost advise is to provide foods that can be quickly digested so that there is no further harm caused to the GI system. The fat content of food should also be reduced to medium levels, and fiber rich components should be included in the food. Keep the canine hydrated. The vet will be able to provide more details about the provisions to be given and other details on continuing the nutritional control.

Be prepared when you take your pet to the vet
Here are some questions regarding the eating habits of the pet which you should ask the veterinary doctor.
1. Check the effect of human food on the pet.
2. Prescription food for the specific condition
3. Any nutritional deficiency
4. Foods to avoid to regain the digestive functioning
5. Other extra treats that are safe for the animal in current health condition
6. Ask for written information of all do's and do not's

Questions to enquire about the clinic
1. Best means to contact the clinic.
2. Check if repeat examination is required
3. Check if the clinic will send notification for a repeat examination.

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