There might be several reasons why you will have to vacate your current house and move to a new one. It might be a new job or in proximity to children's school. Whatever be the reason behind the shifting, a house moving project can be a very hectic one for the adults and the kids. Moving your residence is not as simple as it seems to be and even if you can manage to move the household items, there is more of emotional factors involved. You can initially prepare yourself for the house moving and then make a proper plan regarding the steps to move the house efficiently and then finally draw an idea about the new place where you are going to go.
Choosing the new location
Once you have decided to relocate, the problem arises in finding a suitable new location that will serve your needs and fit your budget. You can also get an idea about the nearby facilities before deciding on a house.
Planning over the new house
You can take a visit to the new home and create a vague idea about how you can set your current house into the new house. You will also get a sense about any repairs or maintenance work that will have to be taken care of before moving in. You can pre plan about setting the things in the new house.
Belongings in the Current house
Sort all your belongings in your current house into different sections like necessary things, things to be disposed of, things to be given to charity, items to be sold, and lesser necessary things. The smaller the things that you have to take to your new house, the reduced will be the effort and the cost of moving. If your new location is too far away from another state or country, you can sort out things that you do not need right now and find a place to store it temporarily near your present house.
Decide on using Packing or Moving Services
Several companies are offering full-fledged packing and moving services. You can just give a supervision, and they will take care of all the goods. Brittle things like glass, decorative, vases, etc. are bubble wrapped and neatly packed with labeling. All other electronic appliances like refrigerator, washing machine, television, etc. will be packed into boxes before moving. But the problem with such services is the cost associated with it. They have enormous costs related to such services. You can cut down on the cost factor by doing the packing by yourself and hiring service for moving the goods.
Tips to Pack Effectively
If you decide to do the packing on your own, then you should gradually start the process a few days before the day you plan to move the belongings.
- You can plan it according to the work that has to be done and begin with less used areas like the reading room. Pack the stocked goods like curtains, duvets, decoratives, etc.
- Keep the daily use things like kitchen utensils, daily wear clothes, etc. to pack towards the last.
- Before you begin the packing, you can buy some good quality boxes to pack things. Categorize and label the boxes accordingly like “Kitchen”, “Books” etc.
- Mark goods that are prone to Break in bold markers as “Fragile” .It will prove useful for letting the movers know that it contains brittle things.
- Involve all individual people into packing their stuff on their own and this will ease the burden on a single individual.
- You can even ask for help from friends.
Sign the Contract with the Moving Service
Check the contract conditions of the agency that will be taking care of the moving of the goods. And take an insurance if required. Clear all the doubts with the company and fix the date for moving the goods.
Utility Connections
All utility bills like gas, electricity, water supply, phone, cable connection, etc. has to be paid without dues and change the necessary ones to the new address by submitting an application for change of address. For needs that require you to apply for a new connection, make the necessary arrangements for the same.
Update Addresses
You might have given your addresses for various purposes like mobile connection, children's school, offices, loans, insurance, credit cards, etc. Submit a change of address documents with the rental agreement as proof of new address.
Settling belongings in new home
Usually, people get too much tired up of the hectic process of moving in that they are left with very less energy to arrange things in the new house. Before you get the movers to download the belongings to the new home, do a final cleaning. With the proper labeling, you can ask them to place the things in the respective areas. This can reduce your workload. You can begin unpacking from the room that you often use as the bedroom and start with daily use clothes. After you are relaxed, you can move to the arrangement of the less used areas of the house.
Making New Friends and Neighbours
With social media connections, you can check if any of your friends are living in the area. It will make it easier to begin with the friend-making process. You can also meet your new neighbors to introduce yourselves. People can be of great help to get you through your immediate needs in case you want to know the hospitals in your area or the best internet connection.
Know Your locality
Take a walk around the area and know the shops and services in proximity like, the grocery store, laundry center, parks, etc. You can enquire with your neighbors about the services available for newspaper supply and milk man, and get the numbers to avail the service.
The most difficult part is to settle into the new house emotionally as you will have several fond memories attached to your old house. You will also miss your friends and neighbors. Make sure to keep in touch so that you do not feel detached suddenly. Be good and you will find yourself making new friends.
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