Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Seeking Assitance

Seeking assistance from others is a significant step which individuals can implement to increase their self-esteem, however, on the other hand, it could be the toughest process too. People with low self-esteem hesitate to seek help from others as they believe that they don’t deserve the help.
But low self-esteem is a result of past experiences when how others have treated you, and so to come over from the negative thoughts; you require the help of people in your present to challenge your pessimist or negative thoughts formed through past experiences.

Seek help from your friends. Ask them what the feel or like about you and what you perform well. Express your feelings to someone when you feel lonely. This person will help you come out of your past negative experiences. He or she should let you free to express yourself completely without judging or aiming to fix things.

You may also ask your close one to hug you when you need it the most. Dr. Leo Buscaglia, famous as “The Hug Doctor” recommends embracing as a therapeutic cure for all situations. At times a little hug makes you feel worthy and can solve huge problems. It sounds silly, however, try it as it function!
Many people can help you in improving your self-esteem. If you face problem in school, let your professors and advisors be aware of it and seek help in classes. The people are appointed to help you, and they will do their job! Once you start recognising success, it will eventually increase your self-esteem.
If you feel that you lack some skills at work, seek help or advice from your supervisor. Ask new challenges to accept and create more chances for your success. You can also seek support and help from your peers. 

Build your core competence by taking classes or performing new tasks. You can join extra class or exercise group, join hobby classes such as drawing, karate, etc. You can also seek help from your teachers.

I case, if the problem is so severe that you cannot handle on your own, you should visit a counsellor or therapist. At times low self-esteem can bring so much depression that you cannot overcome it, and you require professional help. Sharing your concerns with a counsellor is a good practice to be aware of your self-esteem and to start taking actions for improving it.

Apart from inner voice, you should start directing things to believe in yourself.

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