Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Skin Care Benefits of Shea Butter

Shea butter is extracted from the fruit of the Shea tree which grows mostly in Western Africa. It has been categorized as a superfood as it is rich in Vitamin A, E, and F. It is a traditional compound used since ages in Africa. Shea butter finds its use in improving the skin quality due to UV protection property among other. It is also used for shining and healthy hair.
  1. Moisturizer
Africans in the Savannah region have used Shea butter to moisturize the dry skin. Being a buttery substance, it has its primary role as a moisturizer. The vibrant constitution of vitamins and minerals makes it a nourishing cream and helps to lock in the moisture. It is also used to treat dry scalp and dandruff. With its therapeutic and natural properties, it can also be used on the lips to cure chapped lip problem during winters. It softens the skin and helps to keep the feet, heels and elbow areas supple and hydrated. Studies also show that raw shea butter has been effective in turning around a dry skin condition in just three days time.
  1. Anti-Inflammatory Property
Healing property of shea butter has been evident in its capacity to cure cuts and scrapes. The same applies to sun burns and other skin damages like acne and rashes. Anti-inflammatory property of shea butter has been found to be effective in relieving from muscle cramps and pains.
  1. Helps to Fight Aging
Egyptian Queen Nefertiti is one the most naturally beautiful women in the world. Her secret of jubilant and ever young skin has been Shea Butter. Vitamin A and E provides the suppleness and elasticity to the skin preventing wrinkles. The anti-inflammatory property also helps to remove the free radicals on the skin which are the main reasons for aging. It contributes to renew, repair and protect the skin cells from damage due to adverse and harsh conditions. 4-6 weeks of regular usage of raw and unrefined shea butter has been found to be effective to relieve of wrinkles.
  1. Acts Against Stretch Marks
Moisturizers containing shea butter is used by women during and after pregnancy to reduce the stretch marks. It works more efficiently than cocoa butter. It contains linoleic, linolenic and oleic fatty acids which work to hydrate the skin. By moisturizing the skin, it increases its elasticity. It is also quickly absorbed by the skin. Even though it cannot remove the pregnancy stretch marks completely, it has been proven to reduce it significantly.
  1. Catechins in Shea Butter
Catechins are phenolic compounds which are mostly found in green tea. They have been found to hold its properties to remove harmful free radicals, regenerate skin and also has its role in removing wrinkles.
Selecting the Best Shea Butter for Skin
Artificial methods of Shea butter extraction has been found to interfere with its properties. Some methods even add colors to shea butter which will change its nutrient composition. Such artificial methods will reduce its effect in relieving of wrinkles. It is, therefore, best recommended to find raw and unrefined shea butter.
There is a grading system also prevalent in the market which marks the product from A to F. Grade A shea butter is the best in its purest form while F will be an inferior derivative.
The age of the shea butter is also a matter of concern. Shea butter will have to be extracted within the defined time of ripening and used within 18 months of extraction. The fresher the butter, the better will be its anti-aging and curing properties.

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