Saturday, 13 August 2016

Stay Happy and Eat Well to Beat Diabetes

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Type 2 Diabetes is like an epidemic that is engulfing the whole world. It appears with age and mostly found in people above 40 years. But due to our sedentary lifestyle the age for type 2 diabetes or borderline diabetes is decreasing significantly. The inability to produce required quantity of insulin or even insulin resistance can be the reasons. Lifelong medicine was the only cure available to people. After several experiments conducted in this field, it has been proven that pre-diabetes and type-2 diabetes can be reversed with proper eating habits and sticking to the specific diet plan. De Michael Mosley devised one of the best-acclaimed plans in his book – The 8 Week Blood Sugar Diet.
The food habits mentioned below are not just tips to keep away from diabetes but also deals with how to live a normal life with diabetes. Excess weight due to fat deposition is the main reason for type 2 diabetes. So, by following this food regimen, you can shed your excess kilos and maintain overall good health.
10. Keep Away from Easily Digestible Carbohydrates
With increased issues of obesity, people have found solace by substituting the fatty diet with easily digestible carbohydrates and low-fat content. Such carbs are quickly converted to energy and increase the blood sugar level. This causes a reverse hunger feeling and creates an imbalance. Excess Blood sugar gets stored as fat, and this fat is the cause of obesity and diabetes.
9. Knowing the Bad Carbs
The first and foremost enemy of our body are the sugars that we intake in the form of aerated juices, tea, etc. Then comes the other natural sugars like honey and maple syrup. Cakes, muffins and even breakfast cereals are high in sugar content.
8. Mediterranean Diet
We are not talking about Mediterranean cuisine consisting of pizza and pasta. This diet includes more of vegetables, legumes, cereals, fish, nuts and olive oil. The benefits are
  • Reducing blood sugar level, reducing weight and acting against the onset of mental illnesses.
  • Olive oil helps to prevent breast cancer due to its polyphenolic component.
7. Optimal Calorie Value
You can try your recipes if you are the explorative kind. But make sure to reduce consumption to 800 calories/day. You might be thinking about the misconception that if you lose weight faster, it will affect your body in an adverse manner. With a low-calorie diet, your reserve fat will be burned. To prevent putting up weight after the diet schedule, make sure you have a reasonable diet plan after you are off your diet.
6. Myth of avoiding sugars
When a person is diagnosed with diabetes, the first step is to pull back all sugars and carbohydrates from the daily meal plan. A healthy diet plan to reverse diabetes will require selected carbohydrates coupled with the right quantity of fats and proteins. This will stabilize the blood sugar level as the amount of carbohydrates released into the blood will be reduced. With mediated release of sugars, only the right quantity of insulin will be produced. There will not be excessive stimulation of the insulin producer.
5. Healthy Fats
Unhealthy fats have to be clearly wiped off the meal and substituted with healthy fats. Oils that are deemed fit are extra virgin olive oil, MCT oil, virgin coconut oil, grass-fed organic butter and ghee. Nuts and seeds like chia, hemp, flax and almonds help in maintaining gut health. Avocado is also a form of fruit fat and healthy for the body. With these fats, you can manage the blood glucose level and at the same time give taste to your food. The first fat to be prevented in the meal plan is trans fats. The harm it can do to your body is intense, and they are mostly found in hydrogenated or deep fried foods.
4. Healthy Proteins
Wild fishes like Salmons and shellfishes are rich sources of good protein. Keep away from processed meat, meat from GMO animals and animals injected with antibiotics. Try to find a source of grass-fed lamb or beef, organic chicken, turkey, etc. Dairy products like egg, milk, cheese and yogurt are also sources of high-quality proteins.
3. Choosing fiber-rich carbohydrates
The carbohydrates which are rich in fibers release the carbohydrates slowly. The fiber also releases glucose also in a mediated manner thus preventing excessive production of insulin.
  • White rice has comparatively zero fiber content when compared to brown rice.
  • White potatoes are quick carbohydrates whereas yam and sweet potatoes are fiber rich.
  • Regular pasta, white bread, and other refined flour products should be completely kept off the bay. The same applies to added sugar products like beet sugar, cane sugar, corn syrup, fructose and dextrose. Instead whole wheat substitutes of pasta, spaghetti, bread, etc. can be found at the organic store. Natural sweeteners like honey, stevia, dates, blackstrap molasses, etc. can be used.
2. Check the Sweet cravings
Being diagnosed with diabetes does not mean that you have to bid farewell to all desserts and sweet craving. The right choice in the right quantity can be the answer to how to live a normal life with diabetes.
  • Reduce the amount of sugar gradually reaching the lowest limit. Substitute carbohydrates with your sweet.
  • You can swipe off the bread and have a serving of your dessert.
  • Do not go for the doughnuts, take the healthy way to peanut butter or ricotta cheese.
  • Avoid sweet snacking and eat along with the meal to balance the calories.
  • Never eat a bag of cookies mindlessly watching TV. Savor each bite and prevent yourself from overeating.
  • Eat a good lot of fruits and vegetable when you feel like snacking.
1. Keep a food diary
Eat at regular intervals and make a note of what you eat. The relief factor is that to cut out on diabetes, you just have to take down 7% of the body weight. Eat at regular intervals with a proper breakfast, avoid huge meals and cut it down into smaller meals and keep note of the calories for the first few weeks. Every time you eat or drink, you should be able to make a note. At the end of the day, you will be able to know where you went wrong with the calorie limit.

Perform enough exercises as it is a crucial element of any diet. A person who sits for more than eight hours continuously and quickly after the meal are more likely to develop diabetes.

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