Each and every driver on the road should be able to ensure safe driving for his safety and the safety of others. The driving manual will contain all the rules, safety measures, traffic signs, signals and perils of dangerous driving methods. The manual will include procedures to apply for driving license, other necessary documentation procedures like a change of details and issues concerning non-resident driving.
The driving manuals are differently published for different states in the US. Here we have created a unified book with all additional information for state-based variations noted where required. It will prove useful for new and experienced drivers. You can also check the change in rules when you move from one state to another.
CHAPTER 1: Know the License
Who can drive a vehicle in the US?
Driving license is issued by the state governments and any person who drives a motor vehicle in the US is required to have the license from the particular state. There are several license offices in each state. Every resident of a state should acquire the license from that particular state.
Resident: A resident is a person who has stayed in the country for more than six months or is registered to vote in the state. New residents are required to get their license within 30-90 days of entry into the respective state. Some states like Washington provides a period of 30 days from becoming a resident while Texas license law gives 90 days time for a new resident to get the State driver license.
Non-resident: A non-resident is an individual who has migrated to the US for a short period or a visitor. Any person who falls under this criteria can drive a vehicle in his particular state if he/she is above 16 years and holds a license for any state in the US. Migrants who hold International Driving permit from their country are also exempted from taking a driving license of the state. The period to drive without state driving license varies according to state rules. The maximum allowed period is mostly one year for students, Short term employees of the registered business, tourists, businessmen, etc.
Exceptions to State Driving License requirement: Specific state driving licenses are not required for members of armed forces of US, a foreign military person who is in the US in collaboration with the Armed Forces and also their family. Individuals who drive only tractors or machines on the road in a temporary manner are also exempted from holding a state license.
Who cannot obtain a driving license in the US?
There are some restrictions on getting a driving license.
- Individual below 16 years.
- The driving license is suspended by law.
- People suffering from mental illnesses or certain physical disabilities which determine them unfit to be driving a motor vehicle.
- Inability to pass the driving license test.
- An extreme drug addict or a drunkard may be decided by law to be prevented from driving the car.
- Some states require people of below 19 years to hold graduation certificate or other valid documents.
What are the kinds of driver license?
Different states have different names to refer to driver licenses, but the basic structure can be defined as below.
Learner License: The age limit is mostly between 15 and 18. It is also known as instruction permit, and it requires that a proper license holder accompanies the learner. This person who attends should have good driving experience, should be above 21 years and should occupy the seat beside the driver seat. It is also required that license holder should be in his most vigilant state and should not be intoxicated or drunken. To attain this license, it is required to have done the driver education course and the connected exam. For people who are above 18 years, the Class C license is issued which is similar to the Learner License and can be used for 6 years or till the person attains the basic license.
Intermediate or Graduate Driver License: This is for those driving enthusiasts who are below 18 years of age. Different states have slight changes in the rules governing this driving license type. The main reason for introducing this license was to provide minimal driving experience with proper restrictions, and this helps to avoid the various accidents that are caused mainly by teenagers. The applicant will have to undergo written and driving test to obtain the license.
Basic Driving License: This is the regular driving license issued to a person above 18 years of age after passing the concerned exams. The validity is mostly six years even though there are slight variations in some states of the US. This is further divided into Class A, B, C and M depending upon the permission issues over the vehicles that can be driven by the person.
Motorcycle License: the Class M license is the permission to drive the motorcycle. The age limit is mostly 16 but varies based on further classification.
Commercial Learner Permit and Driver License: To drive commercial vehicles, the individual should first pass the learner test and then attain the license through the final test.
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