Friday 9 June 2017

Top 8 Tips on How to Cure Headache

Headache is usually seen as a common issue, and people do not try to find how to cure  headache unless the issue becomes worse. Usually, when you experience trouble at the workplace or during studies, its is mostly seen by others as a rather fine matter, and you will probably be asked to stop fussing and carry on with the work. The intense pain usually makes you rush for the aspirin when you have to curb the pain. But by doing so, the actual reason is not known, and the pain is suppressed. Natural remedies are best recommended for a headache even though it might take a few trial and error methods to know which ones works for you
1. Cayenne pepper
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When someone advises curbing the pain with spicy food, you may not give an ear to it. Cayenne contains capsaicin and has its action in inhibiting pain. You can prepare a homemade paste with cayenne powder and warm water. Apply this using a cotton swab to the sides of the nostrils. The spiciness of cayenne can cause discomfort, but within a little time, the headache will be completely gone or reduced considerably.  

2. Replace the pill with Almonds
You might be used to swallowing the pills when you experience an intense headache. Try replacing the pills with a few almonds. These have been effectively in curing common headaches caused due to daily pressures and tension. The property has been attributed to the salicin content in almonds. Salicin is a major component of most of the OTC painkillers. You can try these for a few days to check if it works for you.  

3. Feverfew
Feverfew is a herb and is being widely accepted as method to how to cure headache. When you experience a migraine, there is a throbbing feeling. This is due to the inflammation of the blood vessels in the head and the pressure that it exerts over the nerves. Feverfew herb works by relaxing the blood vessels and thus reducing the pressure. It also contains a substance known as parthenolide which also has its role in reducing pain and inflammation. Research proves that feverfew can work exactly like an aspirin without causing any side effects. The best method of consumption, is to brew the flowers in boiling water, strain and drink this twice daily.  

4. Apple Cider Vinegar
Most of the natural remedy lists will have apple cider vinegar in it as it has been proven to be effective against a range of illness like fever and scurvy. Several studies are being conducted to determine its efficiency, but people over generations have backed its effectiveness. To relieve from a headache, you can add it to the water that you have kept for steaming in a bowl and breathe in and out the steam. You can also use a towel to trap the steam over the head area.

5. Breathing and Relaxation methods
One of the main reasons for a headache is the busy schedules and related tensions. The body responds by affecting the muscles in the neck, shoulder and back regions. The ultimate result is a headache. To get rid of these daily pressure headaches you can try some simple techniques of stretch, relax and breathing.  
Yoga: Yoga is a relaxation technique that has its origin in India. Muscle stretching exercise can help to relieve the growing tension in the body. By breaking the tension, the associated headache can also be relieved. By practicing yoga every day, it can be the best answer to how to cure headache. You can even find solace when done at the start of a pain sensation.
Breathing exercise: Sometimes you might feel some suffocation along with a headache. This is due to the altered breathing pattern. On such situations, taking deep breaths can help to give comfort by supplying oxygen and aid in relaxation of the mind and the body.  
Proper posture: There are some specific positions that we are used-to like, holding the shoulders up will cause fatigue in the muscles and eventually lead to a headache due to excessive muscle pressure.  

6. Fresh Air and Exercise
With an aching head, we usually brood over how to cure headache and become inactive due to the pain. The best solution is to fight the tendency to curl up and get moving. Tightened body muscles can be the cause of a headache and move out into some fresh air can help relax the muscles and thus aid in relieving the pain. Exercise can also release endorphins that give an overall wellness feeling.  
Exercise regularly and take special care when there is a headache trigger. Warm up and prepare before exercise and prevent strenuous exercise if it is causing a headache. Try to exercise in the open air as it has been proven to have highly positive benefits.  

7. Keep away from MSG
Nowadays MSG's are found in most food items to improve the taste factor. This substance can spike up the neurons. Msg has been associated with migraines and headaches and if you the vulnerable type, you can keep away from this ingredient by checking the food labels for MSG and keeping away from it. It is always better to keep away from causative agents as the best way to how to cure headache. Some components may also have hidden MSG content like gelatin, yeast, textured protein and hydrolyzed food items.  

8. Choice between hot or cold
As mentioned before, headaches are rather tricky. A solution which works magic for a person will probably do no good to another person. Both hot and cold compresses are being used to solve the issue of a headache. For headaches caused due to expanded blood vessels, a cold compress can be used to constrict them and relieve the pain. All other headaches are caused due to stress and applying a hot compress is useful to provide relief in such cases.  
Excessive caffeine or caffeine addiction can also be reasons for headaches. The reasons are numerous, but the solution lies in finding the cause of a headache before moving on to find ways how to cure headache.  

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