What is a CubeSat?
Cubesats are very small satellites that are mainly used for research purpose. Each CubeSat is made up of an assembly of units that are typically 10 x 10 x11.35 cubic cm. The only restraint is that the weight of a cube sat should not exceed 1.33 kg.Depending on the weight, they are classified under Picosatellites. These are placed in the orbit by ISS or even through launch vehicles as attached payloads.
The first models were created in 1999 by the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo in the Stanford University Space Systems Development Lab. The initial aim was to provide the students with easy and reliable access to space and its researches. The use of CubeSat is now not confined to students alone but also to companies and organizations both private and government. The design was proposed by Jordi Puig and Bob Twiggs.
Being miniature forms, these can be sent into space as secondary payloads. Even though the design was devised in 1999, the first CubeSat was successfully put into orbit in 2003 on a Russian Eurokot. The number of cubesats put into space had reached 75 by the year 2012.
The high cost of launching and placing the bigger satellites was one of the reason why the need for a smaller satellite was apparent for simpler researches. Such smaller satellites could also enable the deployment of several of these at a time with a heavy load launcher. The purpose was for academic reasons and now better variations of CubeSat satellites with a little more larger till 12 U to help serve in more complex studies and defense purposes. Cubesats are one of a kind of technological advancement that will provide development of education, promote more scientific mission and even provide answers to complex questions like the formation of the solar system.
CubeSats are commonly launched through Poly-PicoSatellite Orbital Deployer (P-POD). Usually for larger satellites, a new launcher is created for each satellite. But with CubeSat the low cost of the satellite required that the launcher be used several times without harm. The estimate cost of production and deployment of a CubeSat into space is about 65,000- 80,000 USD.
The CubeSat comes under the classification of picosat. These should not be confused with the PICOSAT which is a serious of microsatellites. Picosats work by itself or on an assembly and the word swarm is used to refer to a group of cubesats used together. Sometimes a bigger satellite connects with the pico satellite for its functioning. A simple picosat payload would be only the size of a soda can and this makes its launch possible for as low as @12,000 to $18,000.
Do-it-Yourself CubeSat Kits
The first cubesats created by university students mostly comprised of Commercial off-the-shelf products and simple batteries. Currently there are DIY kits available for creating a CubeSat. with this any person with enough knowledge on satellites and its assembly can have their own satellite made on the sputnik model. Launch of CubeSats can be scheduled with companies like ULA ( United launch Alliance) which provides low cost launch and deployment opportunity for students. Pumpkin CubeSat Kit began its operations in 1993 and since then has sold several kits that stick to the standards. The software is standardized to make use of less power and provide high efficiency.
NASA CubeSat Space Mission
In February, 2015, NASA released a list of 14 Universities that will have their miniature satellites to be flown into the space orbit in its upcoming launches. These launches of rockets are planned to take place through 2016, 2017 and 2018. Years back NASA was one of the very few space exploration organizations and such initiatives are taken by them to promote contributions to space explorations. The ultimate goal for the next 5 years is to successfully place 50 satellites from the 50 states. Recently, the solar flares were being a matter of concern and NASA has sent 17 CubeSats to look into the matter.
ULA- United Launch Alliance
ULA was formed out of an alliance between Lockheed Martin and The Boeing Company in 2006. The aim was to provide reliable and low cost satellite and rocket launch services to US government for use in the defense sector, NASA and other organizations. The launch vehicles used are Atlas and Delta and they have a good track record of supporting US Space operations for over 50 years. They have a combined experience of over 100 years. The team is comprised of over 3400 employees and are employed at different ULA locations across US. A complex network of jobs like project management, testing, creation, launching, mission managements and business support are handled by these professionals. The range of operations of the payloads stretch from weather analysis, telecommunication to complex data collection that that eventually help to better life on earth and for a better understanding of the universe as a whole.
Get Free CubeSat Launch Slot
The ULA Launch agency has called for applications from all US based universities and colleges to apply for their own launch slot for free. The opportunity also promotes the tie up with K-12 schools to part in the competition. They have also included the Student Rocket Launch Payload Program. The call for applications was sent out in April 2016 and the organizers have informed that the last due date for submitting completed applications would be by June 1, 2016. The awards are planned to be announced by the Summer itself. (http://www.waaytv.com/space_alabama/applications-now-open-for-free-cubesat-rides/article_d649fcee-fcd8-11e5-b19e-13491fa36d6c.html)
The price of CubeSat launch slot is a restraining factor for the universities to have their satellites put into space. With this opportunity by ULA, the eligible ones can get themselves a free CubeSat launch slot. The number of winners will be 6 and they will be delivered as secondary payload on two Atlas V missions. The organizers have also informed that this will be a precursor to a larger plan of adding slots to students with every Atlas V and Vulcan Centaur launches.
Space Express (http://www.spaceexpress.org) is also expected to come up with such opportunities for students to make use of their skills in space exploration using CubeSats and other miniature satellites. The project also aims to increase the interest of the future generation in space initiatives.
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