Saturday, 18 December 2021

Star Malayalam Movie on Amazon Prime- To watch or not?

 Well, seeing Joju and Prithviraj on the poster, there is a strong temptation to click onto and watch the movie. 

The brief summary that is given also seemed convincing with a rare topic of menopause. But, the movie has done total injustice to such a not so delved topic. 

At some point, you get a feeling that everyone in the movie is overacting, except for Joju George. The lead role of the mother played by Sheelu Abraham was so out of tune. Probably the problem has always been the script. The story writer could have done some real miracle with such a topic and a cast like Joju and Prithiviraj (Even though it was only for a few minutes). 

The story initially revolves around so much taboo stuff and unnecessary beat around the bush. I don't think viewers especially Malayalam viewers, would be interested in such "gol gol gumana". 

Putting Prithviraj on the poster was the only good thing that made me watch the movie and till the last moment i was waiting for a story line to unveil. They have simply mixed up so many things, I dont know quite how to put it. 

Messy one in the whole. Could have made a brilliant one of it. 


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