Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Is a fraud?

Just got a newsletter from with Samsung S4 32 GB on sale for just INR 9999 where sells it for 28,500

Was wondering why so low. So before even sending the link to my hubby, thought of running a review search. was spell bound with the reviews. There were several positive reviews. But there were even many saying that their goods were never delivered. And after several days of pestering for refund, they send back a voucher for the same amount. Now that is weird. You will have to buy something for the sake of buying.

The trade fraud may be working so, they list goods for low price, people buy. After that they wont delivery and give a voucher so the customer will be forced to buy what is available. If they were genuine they could have given a refund. Anyways, let me try buying something small.

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