Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Donate Today for a Better Tomorrow

Found this Google Ad on a shopping website!!

Party donations online, I mean this is really sick

With over 1.2 billion people and reportedly 2-3 % paying tax. Wonder how coz every other IT professional as far as I know pays about 50,000 to 1 lakh as tax every year. Then there is the extra income for the government over roads, railways, and every other enterprise. Huge sums of cash pulled in from the public and then the election ears and then shamelessly asking for donations.

Why donate? Can anyone explain? They win, which ever party no matter who, we live the same life. Increasing fuel charges, cooking gas charges, land rates, increasing income tax, land tax building tax and much much more. Does it ever go do with a certain government coming into power? At least does the crime rate go down ? What' s the point then? Selfish politics.

I am not going to vote, whoever wins, it does nothing good for me or for the people around me at least. Sometimes I seriously feel that a kings rule would have been better. Here the push and pull is not to serve people but to make the most money exploiting the country and its people during the tenure time so that even if they don't win the next election, they can survive.

Never understand their games, and better not to try to understand.

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