Saturday 10 June 2017

Getting the Attention

We come across several incidents and information from various sources. We do not save all that in the brain. Most of them pass away, and only those which attract your attention stay in your memory. The same applies to falling in love, where only an obsession can do its wonder, and this can be achieved only by attraction. The technique to remain in a person's memory is to do something extraordinary like your actions, confidence, the way you walk or talk. The simple goal is to make the other person feel that you are different. You can try a different dressing style, being bold, smart conversations and doing anything different.

A simple example can be that a naked man on the street will make all people remember him, and if the person were weird looking with a cartoon cap, you would sure discuss with people. So the trick here is not to walk naked on the roads, but to do something that will gain attention. But make sure that in the struggle to gain attention, you do not end up gaining negative attention.

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