Sunday, 18 June 2017

Power Scooters: What We Evaluated, What We Found

To evaluate performance, we considered each scooter’s weight capacity, maximum speed and operating range. These criteria affect usability the most, as they determine who can ride the scooter, how fast it can travel and how long it can go between charges. Similarly, we evaluated each scooter’s maneuverability, specifically focusing on its turning capabilities, ground clearance and ability to climb inclines, which consequently also includes evaluating the number and type of wheels each scooter has. In our evaluation, we found that the scooters varied significantly in these categories.

When gauging performance, we took into account the speed, battery life and recharging time, and weight capacity of each unit as reported by the manufacturers. These features have the greatest effect on usability and experience. We found that there was very little variation in speed and weight capacity between scooters, which is not surprising as they all share the same goal of providing mobility to users with disabilities.

The operating range and recharging time for each unit varied more widely. We found that most scooters’ operating ranges varied within 5 to 7 miles of one another. The scooters’ average charging times were usually at least eight hours or more. However, with outliers like the Shoprider Sunrunner that operates for a staggering 25 miles or the Luggie that recharges within two to six hours, several models clearly out-perform the others.

Performance: Weight Capacity
The weight capacities of the scooters we reviewed range between 220 and 300 pounds. These weight restrictions not only limit who can use each scooter but also how much extra baggage can be carried on it as well. Scooters with higher weight capacities are more versatile and have more resilient designs than their low-capacity counterparts.

The weight of the rider affects the speed, operating range, ground clearance and maneuverability of the scooter. When a rider meets the maximum weight capacity, the scooter sits closer to the ground, affecting which surfaces it can drive on, as well as its maneuverability. It also lowers the maximum speed and decreases the scooter’s operating range. The lighter the rider is in comparison to the maximum weight capacity, the better the scooter can maneuver up hills and around obstacles.

Performance: Speed
While all scooters limit how fast you can go for safety reasons, there is still variation in each scooter’s maximum speed. Most mobility scooters match the speed of pedestrian traffic so they are safe for both riders and people walking by. They range between 4 and 8 mph. We found that the fastest scooter we reviewed peaked at 6 mph, and the slower scooters go only 3.5 mph.

Maximum speed determines both how long it takes to get to your destination and how safe the machine is. The best option is a balance between those two factors. Our top-rated scooters go between 4 and 5 mph and not only get you to your destination relatively quickly but maintain your safety and protect the pedestrians around you.

Performance: Operating Range
Each scooter’s operating range varies widely. Some of the scooters maintain speed and battery for less than 10 miles. After that, you must recharge the scooter’s battery, which generally takes between six and 12 hours. This information is particularly important if you plan to use your scooter for extended periods of time such as for a day at the amusement park.

The operating ranges of the scooters we reviewed are between 7 and 25 miles, with most scooters averaging between 10 and 15 miles. If you plan on only using your scooter for short trips or inside, you can choose one with a smaller operating range. Otherwise, you should look for a scooter that operates for at least 10 miles.

Maneuverability: Ground Clearance, Turning Radius & Inclines
The scooter’s advertised maneuverability is generally based on a rider of average weight and height. It is important to note that most of the specifications, specifically the maximum speed, operating range, ground clearance, turning radius, maximum incline and battery charge, differ depending on the weight of the rider. When used by heavier riders, the power scooters do not perform as well as the listed specifications advertised.

Lightweight riders can expect better performance with increased maneuverability, power and speed. Based on the specifications provided by the manufacturers, we found that the scooters are all designed with low ground clearances and intended for flat surface use. However, each one’s turning radius and recommended maximum incline varies.

Maneuverability: Ground Clearance
The scooters we evaluated sit low to the ground, with ground clearances between 1 and 3 inches. Since they sit low to the ground, they are more stable than their taller counterparts; however, low-clearance scooters incur more damage when used on uneven terrain, so they are best used indoors and on flat, paved surfaces.

Maneuverability: Turning Radius
No matter where you use your scooter, you need one with a small enough turning radius to get you around tight corners. The scooters we reviewed have turning radiuses between 30 and 55 inches. Not surprisingly, scooters with only three wheels are generally more maneuverable and turn tighter. Many of the scooters we reviewed are capable of making 35 degree turns.

Maneuverability: Maximum Incline
The maximum incline your scooter is capable of climbing is important. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires commercial ramps to have a 1:12 ratio slope or 5-degree incline, and residential ramps require a 2:12 slope or 9.5-degree incline. All of the scooters in our review can climb an incline of 6 degrees, and many of the scooters can climb inclines anywhere from 8 to 12 degrees. If you plan on using a ramp to put your scooter in your car, you need one that can handle a steeper incline, and you should make sure that the scooter is compatible with the ramp.

Top Ten Reviews seeks, whenever possible, to evaluate all products and services in hands-on tests that simulate as closely as possible the experiences of a typical consumer. The companies had no input or influence over our test methodology, nor was the methodology provided to any of them in more detail than is available through reading our reviews. Results of our evaluations were not provided to the companies in advance of publication.

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