Sunday, 18 June 2017

Pulling Down the Moon PhytoNutrient Powder

Fertility is a major problem faced by the current generation where men and women face issues in having offsprings. Our day to day lifestyle, eating habits and the pollution around us can be attributed for this. With the busy schedules and stressed lives, we find it difficult to supply the body with the nutrients that it requires from fruits and vegetables to maintain fertility health. Oxidative damage caused by free radicals also impose its effects in decreasing fertility. It therefore becomes essential to provide directed antioxidants in the form of phytonutrients that can counter the effect of these free radicals on the reproductive system and its functioning. Daily serving of Pulling Down the Moon PhytoNutrient Powder helps to better the fertility system of the body.

Features of Pulling Down the Moon PhytoNutrient Powder
PhytoNutrient Powder has been created to improve fertility in men and women and has been proven effective by several reviews that state the positive effect that the product has on the fertility of the person.
Antioxidants and Fertility
Antioxidants are food derived vitamins, minerals and nutrients that protect the body from the degenerative effect of free radicals. Normal body activities releases free radicals and the internal systems are so equipped to counter the effects of these free radicals produced from body functioning. But due to the current lifestyles and stress, the quantity of free radicals in the body is increased tremendously. The main effect of these free radicals is to cause premature aging of the cells. Antioxidants move within the body eradicating the free radicals along their path by altering its molecular structure. The free radicals have their degrading action on all cells including the ovum, the sperm and the reproductive system as a whole. Any alteration of the functioning of these will result in infertility. Free radicals also cause damages to the DNA and such changes in the DNA of the fetus causes miscarriages, stillbirths and other growth issues in the baby.
Vitamin C from Spinach, Cabbage, Acerola and Berries
Vitamin C has its positive effect on increasing the hormonal levels. Clinical studies have also proven it to be effective in increasing fertility of women who face Luteal Phase defect. Vit C increases the progesterone levels thus increasing chances of pregnancy. It also helps to increase sperm quality, motility and provide protection to the sperm cells. The sperm cells are prone to DNA damage which usually causes chromosomal problems in the pregnancy. By protecting the sperm cells, Vit C in Pulling Down the Moon Phytonutrient Powder helps to prevent miscarriages.
Promote Digestion
Flax seeds and inulin have a high fiber content and thus aid in digestion. It promotes proper elimination process in the gut and also improves the absorption of the nutrients from the food. It also aids in easy passage of food through the intestine. Flax seed contains the rare component called lignans. They also have their effect in reducing colon cancer. Lignan is a polyphenol which also has high antioxidant property.
Lipoic Acid from Spinach
Immune system is enhanced with the lipoic acid content and it also helps to reverse the degrading action of smoking cigarettes. Lipoic acid supply from green vegetables helps to activate other antioxidants and even activates glutathione.
Phytochemicals to promote Pregnancy Health
Super foods form the component of Pulling Down the Moon Phytonutrient Powder. The high phytochemical content in these superfoods have the same mode of action in the human body as in the plants. They perform the complicated task of protecting the plants from damages and does the same in the humans. They supply folic acid required for sustaining the pregnancy.
Berries for Fertility
Goji berries, lingon berries, cranberries, blueberries and raspberries are included in extract form in the Phytonutrient powder. In spite of their high antioxidant capacity, they even supply folate and Vitamin C for fertility and maintaining pregnancy. High fiber content also helps reduce weight. It has been found that women with obesity problems face fertility issues.

Pros and Cons of Pulling Down the Moon Phytonutrient Powder
Phytonutrient powder has been certified as purely organic and processed under well standardized conditions.
  • USDA certified organic.
  • Zero gluten content and purely vegetarian.
  • Good taste with the berry red formula.
  • Antioxidants provide alkaline pH for the body.
  • It is combined with other nutritional supplements to ensure better results.

  • It's not a meal replacement plan and works only when combined with a healthy diet plan.
  • It does not supply iron which is a necessary supplement required for pregnant ladies to increase blood count.
  • There are no probiotics or enzymes used in the product.

How Pulling Down the Moon PhytoNutrient Powder Works
Optimal level is one serving per day which comprises of 2 teaspoons of the phytonutrient powder in 8 FL oz of water. Some even like to mix it with yogurt, juice or milk for taste reasons as the berries impart a good taste to the mix..
Pulling Down the Moon has a nutritional program aimed at increased gut health and fertility. This includes the consumption of a Probiotic powder along with the PhytoNutrient Powder mixed together to form the drink. Probiotics help to aid in digestion and it has been proven clinically that a good gut helps to lower stress levels. And with decreased stress, the mood of the person remains elevated thus promoting fertility.

Pulling Down the Moon PhytoNutrient Powder is available as a 150g pack priced at $52.45. Per serving price would approximate to $1.7. It is a unique mix of components that are beneficial for increasing fertility and retaining pregnancy. Fertility is a major issue faced by today's generation and people are resorting to costly and highly complicated treatments to reverse the infertility. In the presence of such situations, a good natural supplement imparting better fertility have been seen with hope. Even though there is no proof about the effect of the product in directly increasing fertility, the components have been so chosen to better the reproductive and digestive tract.  

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