Monday, 19 June 2017

Repair or Replace? What you Should Know About Your Window Coverings

Window coverings have become an inevitable part of a home improvement plan. There are many kinds of window blinds used for decorative purposes. But there are many other purposes served by the blinds. There are specific designs to help in keeping the room cool, maintaining the heat in winters or even to keep bedroom cozy and dark. The blackout blind can retain the room dark even on a sunny day. When compared to the traditional shades, these stick closer to the window giving the maximum effect. You can easily find blinds that match the style and color of your home. They can be bought from shops or even custom made to suit your window area and color theme.  
Need to Have Blinds Cleaned  
The blinds will serve its purpose and add beauty to your home only if the screens are maintained clean and in good condition. A dirty window covering can spoil the whole look of your house. Cleaning blinds require experience and effort. Most people employ blind cleaning and repairing agents to keep the curtains intact. Regular cleaning can prolong the life of your blinds. Adversely, if the window covering is immensely damaged or dirty, then you will have to spend on replacing it which is costly and time-consuming when compared to regular cleaning arrangements with the company.  
Common Problems with Blinds
Window coverings are easy to operate, but as they have several parts, it becomes necessary to handle them carefully else they might get damaged soon. A common problem is the string of the system getting stuck in the wheels. A malfunctioning chord lock can also cause a problem with holding the blinds in place. The tilts may get stuck which will make it impossible for you to adjust the amount of light entering. The store from where you bought the blinds will be able to provide you with repair service.  
Fixing the Blinds
The society today is looking for more efficient ways to maintain goods and repairs are seen as the best solutions to keep things for a longer timespan. Some people do regular repairs on the blinds while may others do not have the time and thus employ repair agents. The manufacturers have placed their goal on coming up with window blinds which can be easily improved or fixed by the user.  
Aesthetic concerns over Replacing the Blinds
A blind which is damaged might be a let down to your well-maintained house, and your first temptation is to pull down the covering and replace it with a new one. But, most of the time it turns out to be a terrible mistake to the aesthetic value of your house. Mostly you will have a color scheming done for the blinds when you had initially bought them. There might be more than one shade of the same color which are matched with the interiors of the house. A particular design and color may be difficult to find after a few years. Therefore, if your window blind is the main attraction of your room, then rethink before taking it down and consult with a repair agent to check whether it can be restored.  
Cost efficiency of Window Covering Repairs.  
You might have had to spend a reasonable amount over your window coverings in purchasing them and in their installation. Make a note of these cost factors and compare the cost of replacement with repairs. These figures will help you make a decision before shopping for a window blind replacement. The whole apparatus might require a huge amount when compared to the one or two spare parts that have to be replaced. Some sellers even offer a free blind replacement as warranty, and you can even request for a guarantee upscale.  

Maintaining the window blinds is necessary to ensure that they have a reasonable lifespan. Tugging and pulling at the chords and the tilts can cause damages soon. Proper usage is the key to reducing repairs and preventing replacements of the window blinds.  

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