Saturday 10 June 2017

Summary about making a person falling in love

*Identify the elements of the total score calculation of the person.
*Show that you have a high score based on these elements.
*Create the attachment and raise the levels of attraction.
How far is this possible?
Why don't people fall for celebrities? Celebrities may fall into the perfect soulmate list, but people do not fall in love with celebrities. If we say that the heart is the sole deciding factor in falling in love, you might be wrong as the mind has a significant role to play in deciding whether to fall in love or not. If the mind diagnoses a person who fits the criteria list, as unattainable and unreachable, it may strike off the person from the list of soul mates. There are yet some people who fall for all in their soul mate list.
One example of unreachability is that a shy person who initially gets attracted to a famous and arrogant female. He will eventually drop the attraction as the mind deems the girl as unreachable. The psychological unreachability is what we are talking about.

Never show you are interested in the person before building the score as it will become a major turn off for some people. Begin by displaying that you are reachable. The person will then relate to the subconscious criteria, and if that list matches, the person unknowingly will become attracted to you.

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